Chapter 3

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After Dinner I lied down and opened my journal and began to write

Thursday April 2,
I am going to the Carnival with Nagisa tomorrow. But before I saw Nagisa at the park coincidentally yesterday, And Haruka asked if I wanted to see a concert with him. But that concert is on the same day as the carnival! So now I have to choose.
I'll write my answer,

I can't choose between those two for one thing j don't like the carnival very much and I like the concert. I just have this feeling every time I think of Nagisa. I have a feeling that I would risk my own life to save his and I would do anything to make him happy. I think I made my decision.

Nagisas POV

I can't wait! Only 12 hours and 60 minutes and 12 seconds I mean 11 seconds I mean. Well you get the idea.

Ding dong

"Come in" I said
"It's locked." Said the person outside
"Coming." I sang
The person turned out to be Rei-chan and he looked upset
"What's wrong Rei-chan?" I asked
"I have just been invited to a concert with Haru and its tomorrow but I chose to go with him instead of the carnival with you. It's just because I didn't have a second ticket and I don't have enough money for it. Makoto can go with you, though." He said
"Oh okay." I said with tears brimming my eyes "excuse me for a minute, Rei." I said as I ran to the bathroom. I banged my fists against the wall and slid down into a ball and began to cry
"He promised he would go! He promised!" I sobbed "and I love him!" I sobbed louder not realizing what I said.

Rei's POV

I felt bad lying to him and then hearing him cry and I left a note hopefully he would see it and I left the house without another word. On the way home I replayed the conversation and remembered he didn't say Rei-chan like he usually does but I can't blame him

Rei x Nagisa free! Fanfiction Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora