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"I don't deserve your kindness." The mad Mercenary with the black skull mask, The Vagabond, said to the not so frightened (Already this was an anomaly) ginger girl that had a) saved his life and b) had taken him home to patch up his wounds and now was giving him a cup of hot cocoa (Which he took, he may be a killer but he most certainly was  not rude)

    The ginger girl chuckled and sat on the dingy,uncomfortable couch next to the Vagabond, "I'm not exactly one to leave a man fighting for his life with wounds like yours." she took a sip of her cocoa, "So what do I call you? The Vagabond seems a bit professional to use in a casual conversation with you."

    The Vagabond eyed her up,  baby blue assessing her threat level through the mask, "Your name first. I should be able to thank my generous caretaker by name."

    "Jacklin Pattillo, Jack for short, though," Jack smiled, something in her eyes shifted, the kindness stayed but something behind it lacked. The Vagabond could pick up on it easily,giving your full name to someone like him was a risk, a big one that usually signified a want at a mutual trust.

    "Ryan." The Vagabond offered, it was his middle name sure, but until he could get a better read on the kind woman in front of him it was all he was going to give. Names were a dangerous thing in his line of work.

Thankfully Jack seemed to understand that and with a nod she didn't pry, but instead changed the subject, "You should take a break for a few weeks with your wounds." she pointed at splotchy red gauze and bandages wrapped around Ryan's stomach that she had wrapped there was another similar one wrapped around his right leg.

Ryan shook his head, making to stand just to prove a point that he didn't need to stay. "No, that's okay I can leave I don't want to - Gah!" he fell back to the couch with a pained yell, he couldn't put much pressure on his leg without it hurting, well, of course, he had been shot through.

Jack just gave him the 'I told you so,' look when Ryan gave her a sheepish glance. "You're staying here for a little bit, Geoff will just have to get over it." She said getting up from the couch and taking his now cold cocoa back to the kitchen.

Although Ryan didn't really know it yet, he just got a feeling, that this random act of kindness would set him down a path he would both enjoy and regret with all his will.

//short yea I know, but I got distracted half way through and then came back to it realizing I had to finish it so this is what you get, also I have no idea how to write for the Vagabond but I promise I will get better//

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