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If I ever publish this, its because I'm dying all over again or I want you to know what depression feels like. I hate when people joke about depression. At least you don't know who I am and you won't know how much I'm falling but don't laugh at someone because of it. All these are my thoughts and every single one of them build me. Depression isn't crying everyday. Its the tiredness you feel. It's like you give up entirety. Its like you try not to care but you always end up caring and you feel like sleeping is the only get away if you can't die. Like me, I've been trying to kill myself since the age of 9 years old. I suffer from major depression. Being depressed doesn't necessarily mean you cut or you intoxicate yourself but I'll be honest, some do. Including myself. Most will know them or me as a happy person but in general we're not. We don't want to tell our story because its hard for us to tell our self and we're scared it happens all over again or it might add to the pain. We're fighting our own battles through music, pain, anger or even hatred but telling us to stop won't mean we'll stop. Problems don't just disappear with a little counselling and memories surely won't stop hurting us by a little 'pep' talk . Some of us are alone. We don't want to accept  help. We fake it through and we cry because that's the only solution left. We are broken people.
We are scarred.
We are tormented
We are scared.

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