[75] Repel

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I don't want it to happen again ;
The happiness and then the sudden pain
I don't want to be victim of your anger
The reason I cry, the reason I can't give you an answer

I wish it was the way it used to be
It may not have lasted long
But looking back on my short happiness, that's all I could see

I don't like it when you're giving me reason to be the way I am ;
Cold careful and cruel
I just want the best for you
It's hard, I'm doing the best I can.

But you don't seem to realize
And that hurts too
The fact that you can't acknowledge my attempts
To protect what's supposed to be your meaning, to protect you

I know it is not my job
But I quickly learned to take tasks
Because if I don't, who would?
Nobody would even ask.

You shouldn't have to change yourself
Or quit what you enjoy
To feel like you're happy
When you're just being treated like toy

I will repel and repel
All over again
Until you quit, till you go insane

Treat me like shit,
Tell me I'm waste
At least you'd finally let go
Of something that isn't right, something you shouldn't think of, something that isn't worth the fight.

This poem is dedicated to my mother. Mom, I still love you but I cannot give you what you want. It's simply not the best and that's what you deserve, the best.

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