Chapter 3

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Stanford realized what was happening and Bill laughed before he turned Ford into gold again. Mabel screams in fear.

"LET go of me!!" She yells "What do you want from me anyway, what did I do for you to be this way?!!"

"Mmmmm, let's say that if it weren't for you meddling pines, my takeover would be a success!"

he laughs evily.

"Well I'm glad you didnt" Mabel said. "Besides, I already talked to Stanford so u broke the deal" she smiled.

"I broke the deal? The deal was that if Stanford finds out I'll take something from you, but you never realized I already did." Mable looks around. Nothing was stolen, the shack seems fine to her.

"what did you take from me? I....I don't see anything stolen. Besides, you haven't showed me your true power and alterations to my brothers body" she says, trying to break fee from his tight grip.

"I thought you'd be smarter than this. Can't you seriously take a hint at what's lost." Bill took his hat off and burned it into ashes, but making sure to burn the pinetree last.

"Have you ever wondered how I'm still alive and whose existence got deleted?" Mabel wondered.

"No...I don't know, who?" She felt his grip tighten "your hurts?" Mabel also wonders why. Bill shoves her into a wall, pinning her.

"Where is your brother?" He looked at her with a crazy smile, his brightly yellow eyes twitching a little from insanity.

"I don't know. The last time I saw him was by the bill statue.....oh he?" Her eyes start to tear up "dead....?"

"He has been since weirdmageddon ended. Bill lets go of her and he steps up on the table, looking out at the window. "He was a goner ever since he made a deal with me back when you were obsessing over that puppet lover.

Our deal never ended. I was forced out of this body when fatigue was too much. When that happened, a portion of me got seperated, it stayed in him. And I knew I could exploit that. Until I forced him.out one last time, back whem you were too obsessed in your own bubble. And being a powerful demon I captured him, and he was there, in the mindscape, desperately calling out for help. The littlest soul that's not with me, the one you fought, the idiot part of me who wrecklessly made a deal with Stan, he brought Dipper with him in his mind."

Bill laughs. "And the moment Sixer pulled the trigger of that memory erasing gun, your brother died. Who will you blame? Me? Stanford? Or yourself? I mean, hear me out, if you weren't too selfish maybe Dipper wouldn't have made a deal with me. Hm? Theoretically speaking of course, shooting star."

"THAT'S NOT TRUE! HE'S OUT THRER, I KNOW HIM!!" Mabel cries. She grabs a net by knife, jump on to the table attacks him by pushing him off the table and stabs him in the chest.
"that will teach you not to mess with the pines family!" She says smiling, hoping that it will work. Shw winced because her burn marks went healed yet...."what are you going to do to stop me?!"

"I'm not. Instead, I'll Leave you with guilt, maybe?" Bill said overzealous, but weakly, blood spilling from his mouth. "Assuming Pinetree is still alive, he's going to be dead soon because you killed him." He pulled her closer, letting the knife dig deeper  in his chest. "You killed Dipper, not me, is that what you wanted to prove more?" Mabel gasps....let's go of the knife, runs to the kitchen, grabs a new knife bur drops or while running. She closed the kitchen door shut so he wouldn't enter.

"did I really kill my own brother?" She wispers hoping he wouldn't hear. Bill pulled out the knife. As quickly as the hole in his chest got exposed, it regenerated.

"Man, shooting star was awfully cute when she was crying." Now, where was he, oh right, back to terrorizing the Pines. He was done with Mabel for now. Next up, sixer! He snapped his hands and Ford's statue floated up. He brought him outside, in the forest where his statue was before releasing Ford from his golden prison.

"What let me go bill!" He damanded, looking for a floating dorito...but he couldn't find one.

"Dipper, could you get me our of here?"

"Maybe I could," Bill imitated Dipper, and proceeded to set him freeFord gets up and smiles.

"Oh thank you dipper. Now tell me everything what happened. This is serious, I'd bill is still out there, he could creates something far worse than weirdmageddon."

"Oh, really?" He says with mock concern, "Like what?"

"Like mass chaos and bills first target would be us" ford explains, frantically looking for his laser gun which could destroy bill once and for all. He looked at dipper and the gun was right next to him.

"Dipper," he says, "could you hand me the gun, this could kill anything and possibly bill so could you give it to me please?"

"Oh you mean this gun?" He picks it up. He shrugs and takes aim at his statue and shoots through his hat. "You're going to do THAT again?" Ford shrugs

a little.

"yeah, we do now be careful this gun is very sensitive. If you aim it at anyone, it can automatically shoot so why don't I have it" he reached for the gun. "I don't want you to hurt yourself, kid." Ford says, getting a bit frustrated.

"I want to keep it," He said, withdrawing the weapon from Ford. "Maybe I can aim better, hm?"

"So what's the plan? Ford looks at dippers eyes. "Are you wearing contacts?" He asks. "Could you take them out, your vision is absolutely perfect" he says.

"Oh, Bill damaged my eyesight and I have to wear them." He pauses. "If you want to take the contacts off you can gouge out my eyes." he paused curling his lips into a sly grin. "On second thought, don't gouge out my eyes," he takes the contacts off, "we all know how long it takes for me to rEGENERATE THAT."

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