I got eyes for you

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Chapter 3

I wake up next morning and I'm feeling a little sad everyone's hogging the phone so I can't call my mom . But I'm so excited cause the cottage party is today and we're having our party with Tommy cottage . And I'm excited once again cause my friends Eric and jay are coming so let's have fun but one thing could ruin my whole day and that's school I hate it cause the A side and the B side have to stay in one class room all day.

But I woke up combed my hair and shaked my ass. It's breakfast time and I'm nervous cause what if the food sucks then I'm gonna have to eat it but here we go to breakfast OK guys line up and let's head to the dinning hall . So Carlos are you excited for the cottage party yes it just sucks we have to go to school I'k . So Mr Jackson I heard y'all needed people to help set up for the party yes winter you can help .

OK so can Carlos help to sure I just need you to do one thing OK show Jordan around alright . winter why did you volunteer me Cause helpers get a pizza party nice sign me up already did . OK let's go get breakfast OK Jordan here's your chance to talk to winter  OK . Hey winter hey wanna sit together sure so winter where you from long island .nice I'm from the unknown cool so are you excited for the cottage party yeah . I wanna hang out with someone special. Oh is your girlfriend coming up. Nope I don't have a girlfriend . Awe that's too bad . Well you must have a lot of girls at home .

I thought to myself why did I say that this guy looks like a nice guy but then Sam told me that he's a player but then I thought why am I listening to Sam cause all he wants to do is smash . Wow winter is not like other guys he's sweet he's smart and has a big booty . I think I'm in love . So winter do you have a boyfriend . No I just got out of a 6 month relationship he cheated on me . Wow he stupid .Why? For a breaking a cuties heart like yours . Awe thank you. your welcome

So it's school time guys . OK have a good day winter thanks ms Darby . You too Carlos
Thanks ms Darby OK Sam it's your chance go talk to him I will . When cause it looks likes Jordan gonna steal him away. OK I'm going . Hey winter hey Sam that ass tho the things I can do to it. So winter  I have a proposal

Sit next to me in class I would love too but I can't I promise Carlos I sit with him Alright you gonna walk me to gym sure Sam . Is everything OK between us . No you told me to watch out for Jordan but he's a nice guy. So just tell me the real reason you don't like Jordan I can't why not . Cause I can't . Bye Sam wait winter . What happened Sam nothing . Then why is winter crying in the library. Cause I told him not to trust Jordan and now he doesn't trust me . Wow well go talk to him .OK my head hurt my eyes were red and I can feel my emotions coming out from me not seeing my mom to me arguing with Sam it sucks that this place is turning out for the worst . I was supposed to be working on my self but I guess that's hard for me . winter are you OK .

How do you know my name .Cause I see you come in the library looking at books and I work here oh . So why we're you crying . Over a guy no never cry over a guy there always gonna hurt you . But just know you don't have the power to change who hurts you. But you have the power to forgive I know why am I sitting here crying I'm a strong guy and I know I'm cute so why am I crying over a guy.

Cause your a teenager they cry they whine they fight but I have a solution to your problem. Do you wanna work in the library. sure OK So I'm gonna need you too let your teacher know that your gonna stay in the library today  OK . Hey winter  ,hey Jordan what are you doing here  the teacher told me to look for you . What's wrong you looked sad  and I saw you crying. Nothing I was sad but now I'm happy now that saw your face . Awe can I tell you a secret Winnie . OMG he called me Winnie  but I can't fall for him it's only been 3 days . So I just have to just play it cool. Yeah I wanna know . I'll tell you at the party OK bye  Jordan  Bye d . Damn he's fine but I got to stay focus on one thing my studies  and basketball.  Yo Sam  It's all good I talk to winnie.No its
Not did winnie tell you why I was mad . No he didn't bring your name up. The reason why  he was mad at me was because I told him to watch out for you . Wow why would you say that .

Because I like him well I wanna smash him.  And your getting in the way of that . Dude I hate to break  it to you but I think winters  cute but I'm not trying to smash him OK . Yeah right all you guys are like the same want what you can't have .listen you little shot I can have anything I want . So let's make a bet shall me . OK whoever  winter  says let have sex to  first get 100 dollars OK deal Sam,Jordan class time well be right there . winter we need to talk I have nothing  to say to you  OK so just listen I'm sorry  for not listening to you and making you cry .It's OK Sam I forgive you . Thanks winnie don't call me that your on probation with me what dose that mean. That means  don't  make me cry again  I wont I promise .cool in my head I thought he was a nice guy but in my heart I felt  that he was gonna hurt me again. But I just will have to see what happens meets

3 hours later and it's time for lunch so I told the librarian that I would work in the library during lunch cause I wanted to clear my mind  . I had to think these guys only want one thing and I can't  give it to them  but there's one guy if he plays his cards right I'll do it. I wonder  what Carlos is doing  .
But let me get back to work  Hey winter  do you want any of this pizza .sure do you have any ranch .Yeah creamy or regular  regular . I'm excited why winter ? cause we're having our cottage party and your trying to impress a guy . Yes  But I don't think he likes me like that . Why? Cause he's hot and I'm a chubby nerd . Just give it time  if he really likes you he'll talk to you . Ok thanks your welcome oh and be ready in 10  . Why ? Cause your going to help set up for your cottage party OK your whole cottage is going OK .Hey winter  hey MR Thomson are you ready to go . Yes OK bye winter  see you Monday bye MS Alice cool  . So winter everyone choice what they were going to do . So your gonna help  set up  the chairs with Jordan OK . Can I change my clothes first. Yes you can.

After all that working  in the library I finally am gonna get to party and might get a kiss at the end . I got on my short shorts with my tide die  shirt and my converses I feel comfortable and I'm ready to set up  . Hey Jordan winter Damn . What nothing it's just you look really good  and I like your smile thanks .So  Tell me about your self well what do you wanna know .  How old are you 14
And my dreams are too be a singer and dancer . So tell me about your self  well I'm 16  I play basketball and I'm in a gang  . Oh your in a gang that's cute .  .really yeah . I like thuggish guys
Oh you do (kissing) wow your a good kisser . Thank you. We should. probably get ready for the party .OK . I felt so confused when I kissed him because I've never had my first kiss. Well a normal first kiss . It was great I felt sparks but the only person I can tell this to Carlos . But first I gotta get ready . Mathew hey Jordan what's wrong I kissed winter  well for how long  10 minutes. Wow that's long . I know well the kiss didn't mean anything right . No,yes I don't know . I kind of like him  . Well talk to him learn more about him. But what if he dosent  Like me. Then it's his lost which I doubt . Ok party time . 

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