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Electra Riptide. Lover of books, wild daisies, old vinyl, table turners, music in general, buttons, poplar trees, denim jackets, and many, many more things. That is who I am. Or supposedly. I am a collection of strewn up valuables and in-valuables. My existence is not because of my possessions but my life is surely judged by them.
I also believe bacon is quite good, so I will not scream out, "I am vegan!" because that would be a falsehood.
I have twin brothers three years younger than me. Other than that, I have two married parents. I would love to have a marriage that works like theirs. But, mostly, I have not thought about marriage seeing as I'm practically twelve, and I do not have a boyfriend, or any experience in the dating pool. My friends are all I've got. Well, my family is OK too.
My brothers can be rowdy and annoying as hell, but they do love me and I love them also.
I am seventeen years old. I am a barista at the local coffee joint called ROB'S COFFEE. I have long, boring, brown hair. Kind of a chestnut but darker. But, I like it. It contains some light highlights from the sunlight, and a few waves here and there. I like my body too. I have hands and feet and ears, and a tongue! Some other parts too! I use these parts of mine to interact with my fellow outcasts to society. My church hating fiends. (The catholic church would say they were fiends just for not going to mass on Sunday). My beloved friends and I chill at the big city park in Boston, anywhere with decent food, libraries, star wars conventions, school, mostly all of the concerts, and the pokestops of course.
Currently I am laying down in my bed in my small, brick home off a slightly busy avenue in Boston. I am a feminist girl who does not want to awake. "Mornings suck ass." I whisper to myself. That is the first quote of me you will hear. Draw truths within it and see if you can locate the deeper meaning behind those words? "Electra get out of bed, it's 12:00 o'clock!" my mom nags. I wish she knew what it felt like to be tired in the morning/afternoon. I wish she knew that when I wake up, I feel the horrible weight of the world, and my body can't stand it, and it wants to shut back down again. I don't wake up, perky with an abundant amount of energy. I get out of bed and start playing music.
I proceed to rinse myself with water and soap in my shower, like a normal human being with good hygiene. I get out of the shower and hear my phone ringing. It sounds like Daniel. It has to be Daniel because he set up his ring tone to be "California Girls," because he "luvs" Katy Perry. It's all games with him. I pick it up and answer the phone. "Hey Dani--" I try to say but he is already yelling from the other end, "ELECTRA WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ON OUR DAY OFF? It is Friday and you know what that means! I could come over and bring you those donuts you like from tenth street and then we could go out to town and find ourselves some hot men!" Yes, Daniel is gay. I am proud of him for being who he is even though society shames you for that. "I would really like that, be over here asap. I am hungry, and tell Finnie to get over here too! I have only one last day with you guys until I leave for Camp Wayleaf in Great Barrington." I reply.
"Fuck. I forgot you were going there so soon. I wish I could come along but you know me with forms... and filling stuff out. And applying... My mom practically shoved the pen in my hand for applying for my latest job at Dick's. Also, Finnie is gonna be going on a family vacation the same time you'll be gone, so I will be hopelessly friendless. How will I survive? Netflix and music will be my only friends and my mom will pity me so much that she will take me to the dog shelter, and I will pet puppies for a half hour just to lift my mood. But, if you hooked me up with Jackson, you know how much he likes me... I could have some company!" Daniel exclaims.
"I would hook you up with Jackson, but I'm not 100% sure he's gay. I would ask him, but we are only coworkers and we don't really have a relationship besides that. I find it would be rather rude to just go up to him and ask if he was gay and then ask him if he wanted to go on a date with my gay best friend. I guess you will just have to suck it up, 'buttercup'" I giggle to myself at my sarcastic ending remark to him.
We say goodbye and then I hang up.
I put on nicer clothing than my boxer shorts and old t-shirt I am currently wearing, then walk to the family room and sit on the brown couch waiting patiently for my husband to return from war. Whereas, in my case, Daniel with the donuts. My mother and I converse about the trip, which is her asking me if I'm bringing a bunch of stuff and me saying "yes, yes, I packed everything."
I can't wait for Camp Wayleaf and the kids I will get to 'counsel'. It will be my first year with a bunch of new people. I can make friends pretty easily, but they don't tend to stay very long. My thoughts get interrupted by the doorbell and a couple obnoxious losers standing at my door.

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