Chapter 2: WAVES

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Daniel and Finnie barge through the door. They are welcomed guests and randomly walk in sometimes. I'm glad I can count on these people to be there for me. Especially with Quincy Adams parading around our school, showing off her hot body and her popularity. She hangs out around every single person in the school that is "cool" enough for her. Sure, she's tried to hang out with me and my pals, but we brutally refused her. We don't want a fakey hanging around, gathering up all the gossip and drama about us to tell to her next group. Also, she is quite annoying. She always needs someone photographing her on snapchat or Instagram. She does the same thing every photo/video. She will be all "Quit!" and then she smiles and drags her hand through her blonde permed hair. She then proceeds to cock her head and give puppy dog eyes. Or her version of them, to me she looks like a shit show.
So, with Quincy, the art wannabe bitch, who brags about her talents on instruments non-stop, ANYONE would need a brick wall of humans to save them from her. My friends suck as literal brick walls, though. Daniel is a skinny asian boy who would lose in a fight against a tree. He's quite tall though, and he's started to work out to impress all his Dick's coworkers. (He's probably working out for himself too). It has really improved his self esteem and I am happy for him. Finnie is tough although she is a short ginger, and would suck as a wall. She is in a band and is the lead guitarist and singer. They call themselves Lovely Noise. Daniel and I are her biggest fans and go to every performance we can make. She has a boy in it that has lovely blonde hair. We had a thing. We talked and went on a couple dates, but then we decided we were better off friends. Just another boy relationship that fell through. You will see this as a common occurrence for me.
I run up to the door and greet them. Which in our relationship, is a giant group bear hug. I get squeezed too hard and return it, then we all let go.
We walk on over to the couch and pile on it like we've done a thousand times. I grab the donut bag and shove two in my face as quick as possible.
"Damn it, Electric! Will you hold off on the donuts? I have only eaten one. And you just ate two!" Daniel complains.
I just look at him and roll my eyes.
"Electra aren't you leaving tonight for the camp down at Great Barrington?" Finnie questions.
    "Yes, I'm leaving tonight and I don't want to drive so far away from you!" I reply.
    "What about me?" Daniel asks.
    "And you too, Daño." This is something I call him because it's a Spanish name and he is as asian as could be. The irony kills me.
    "So, I heard my neighbor a couple houses down was looking for a ride down to Camp Wayleaf as well. His car recently got wrecked and he doesn't know anyone else going down there. So, I just happened to mention that you are going down there and could give him a ride..." Finnie starts.
    "What?" I respond a little worried. "I don't know if I want to bring him... I've never met him. What is his name? Why did you just say yes?"
    "Well I know you are mean but you aren't mean enough to say no to someone in a dire situation like him. His name is Noah Rancott. I think you'll like him. But, beware, I heard he smokes and drinks and can literally get any girl he wants. But he's nice, so I would feel bad for just shoving him in the dirt." Finnie says.
"I'm surprised he would want to volunteer at a camp for children then... He doesn't seem like the type." I ponder. "Okay that was kind of shitty of me to say, but he really doesn't. He must have something else hidden under his "bad boi" persona."
We all agree that he's a whole person and we shouldn't judge him too hard before we get to know him, or before I get to know him. It's not like he will kill me or anything. So, I end up agreeing to take him to camp with me as long as he pays for gas.
My friends and I leave the house and I yell goodbye to my mom quickly. She yells back to have fun. Typical mother response.
"So what are we gonna do as our last day united?" Finnie questions.
"We could go to the harbor and Daniel could take us on his sail boat." I inquire.
"That's a very good idea... involving a lot of work, but it is your last day, so I will comply." Daniel says.
We all walk down to the harbor and then to a ship named "Coconut Milk".
"Oh Coconut Milk! How I praise your curves and prolific sail." Finnie coos to the boat to annoy Daniel.
"She's looking a little scratched up, Daniel." I say.
"She's not broken just bent and she will learn to love again." Daniel replies with no emotion.
"Dear, I'm sorry to bring out your boat's flaws. They only make her more beautiful." I say back to him.
We board the boat and I tell Daniel to "Fire it up!" Which makes absolutely no sense because Coconut Milk doesn't have an engine. Daniel lets the sail fly after paddling away from the docks. Finnie and I did not help him. Daniel was sad.
I look around me into the luminescent blue ocean. Waves toppling over each other and crashing against the white ship. I can't help but feel out of place on top of the water, and not in it.
So, I jump.
The water dips around me.
I levitate there for a few moments. Just me and the water.
When my lungs ask for air, I respond by struggling upwards.
I break the surface and feel the water droplets down my face.
I open my eyes and there is sunlight.
The rush I felt from spontaneously jumping in starts to leave.
And I'm left with the view of my friends smiling down at me, getting ready to join me,
and my heart beating.

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