16. If the Dead Could Talk...

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It wasn't unlike the Anchoress to be so angry, to express such rage and agitation the way that she was doing right then. Yet it was uncommon for her to turn on her own loyal subjects, and several of her cultists fled as she continued to rip into whoever was standing closest to her. The ones that stayed cowered away, begging for her mercy so that they would not meet the same fate. The only one who dared to stand before her was her head priest, and even Silas trembled in fear of her as she turned her attention in his direction when she'd exhausted all the others.

"My queen, please, Silas knows you are upset, but perhaps had you waited for the rest of us to accompany you as requested then the sacred one would not have absconded." His words did absolutely nothing to assuage her, and she bellowed in rage as she latched onto him. Yes, she was quite angry indeed that Austin had managed to escape her. That didn't stop Silas from speaking the truth though, "Silas understands how that feels, yes he does, but there's nothing to be done about it now, the boy has warded himself once again and we have been unsuccessful in our attempts to locate him."

With another shriek she hurled her priest at the far wall, where all who were still present watched him collide into it and fall to the ground with a dull thud. After only a moment he pulled himself up and brushed the dirt from his robes before beginning to hobble back over to his master. Her outbursts were something that he had been prepared for, and though he too feared her he still knew how radiant she was. As he approached her she tensed as if she might attack him again, but he moved cautiously and managed to stand before her once more without incident.

"Your magnificence, Silas sees that you are quite upset about all the setbacks that you've encountered recently, and your loyal subjects know just how you feel. That being said, Silas does have some news he thinks might brighten your day." Silas waited to see how the Anchoress would feel about that, and he took her ceasefire as permission to continue, "the witch that caused you such pain has been spotted recently, fighting off all of your glorious demons. Silas would be honored to avenge you, my liege, if you would be so kind as to permit it."

Hearing the mention of Myrna caused the Anchoress to return to her fury, and she took another swipe at Silas, who managed to jump back out of the way in reflex. Immediately he knew it was a mistake, and in an instant the Anchoress' hair no longer covered her face, and she gazed at him with her eyes, popping her jaw as she moved it back and forth, opening her mouth an inch at a time. Her rancid breath threatened to melt the flesh on his face as she lingered only a short distance from him, reminding him of his place and better yet, who she was.

"No, Silas promises he will not let you down, have faith, he will make it all better for you." In his head he could hear her whispering to him, her threats of everything that she would do if he failed her again. The Anchoress did not often give second chances, and she would never admit out loud that she did so now out of desperation. Silas didn't need to know the reason, he was only glad that she decided against claiming his life right there. Not because he wouldn't have happily given it to her, but because he wasn't sure of who could take his spot and communicate with their god. He figured he'd be worth more to her alive, and he wanted to please her.

Austin wanted to please too, but not the Anchoress, no, he wanted to please his savior.

"I thought maybe we could talk." He offered quietly as he continued sitting next to Toby on the couch, where they had been for a while watching TV. It had taken him that long to work up the courage, and he was terrified now as he thought about how he could say it, how he would tell him what he felt and what he wanted. All he knew was that he wanted to talk about it as Toby turned to look at him, waiting expectantly. Yet he didn't have words then, and Toby putting his hand on his knee in a show of support didn't exactly help.

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