Chapter 17: Leaving Happiness

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Mateenah's P.O.V ♡

Justin called me a few minutes after we came back from Los Angeles and he said he needed to tell me something at dinner. And guess what? I dyed my hair blonde today, I was bored so I just went ahead and dyed it. I'm kinda getting nervous of what is he going to say but I'll find out soon. Currently I was having a shower to get ruid of all the blood on my wrist, yes I'm cutting again but who wouldn't if you received a letter so horrible.


I walked into the bathroom and there was a note on the counter and I read it and it brought stress back into my life once again. It read.

Ha Ha so you found out I'm watching you but there are still some more surprise left in store

Xoxo Dylan

((End Of Flashback))

I got out of the shower and put on my navy blue track pants, a grey over the shoulder top with the US flag on it and red converse. I blow dried my hair and went downstairs and greeted my family.

"Hey mom, Justin is coming over to dinner, is that okay with you?" I asked

"Of course it is, Justin is always welcome here," Mom said

"Wait, what I'm I hearing?" Tiffany asked

"Mateenah's boyfriend Justin is coming over for dinner tonight," Mom smiled

"Oh Okay, hey how come I haven't met him before?" Tiffany asked

"Because you were away at college," I said in a 'duh' tone

"Oh you're right," She said and left to the living room


I was busy setting up the table when the door bell rang.

"I've got it!" I yelled and walking over to the door and opened it

"MATEENAH!" Justin screamed and hugged me tight (just like Ratliff and Kelly did yesterday)

"JUSTIN!" I screamed and he twirled me around, after the hug we laughed and went inside

"Hello Claire," Justin said to mom

"Well hello Justin nice to see you again," Mom said hugging Justin

"Hello Rhys," Justin said to dad

"Hello Justin," Dad said doing this secret hand shake with Justin

"Oh yea Justin this is my older sister Tiffany," I said pointing at Tiffany

"Hey Tiffany," Justin smiled

"...... Mateenah you didn't tell me that you were dating Justin Bieber, I thought you meant Justin Kyle down the street," Tiffany said

"Eww why would I date him?" I asked with a confused look on my face

"Well its nice to meet you Justin," Tiffany said then hugged Justin

"Dinner's ready!" Mom said from the dinning room

We all went to the dinning room and then I looked at our plates and on our plates was spaghetti and meatballs, she made my favorite!! I sat down at my chair and started eating my dinner. Soon enough when everyone was having there desert, Cake and custard, Justin spoke up.

"Umm Mateenah, Claire, Rhys, Tristan and Tiffany I have something to tell you guys," Justin said nervously which was now making me nervous

"W-what is it? I asked nervously

"Mateenah I have to go back on tour next week and I'm going to be gone for four months," Justin said, my heart broke into literally a million of pieces.

"What?" Everyone said

"I'm still on tour, I've just been on break," Justin said

"But you can't go Justin, I'll miss you too much and then you know what happens when I'm depressed," I said

"I know what happens so I'm asking both you and your family if you could come on tour with me?" He asked

"Justin you just need to answer this question carefully then me and Rhys will make a decision about Mateenah going with you on tour, The question is why would you want Mateenah to go on tour with you?" Mom asked

"Well if I went on tour, it wouldn't matter if me and Mateenah would Skype each other every second of the day, we would still miss each other liker crazy and it won't be healthy for either of us to be without each other for four months cause I wouldn't sleep, eat or do anything until I would have seen Mateenah again and I know its certainly not safe for Mateenah because I know what she's going to do to herself and every time I think about her doing this horrible thing to herself literally kills me inside, I'm not lying whenever I say that I love your daughter and I don't want us to be separated cause if we are, then your just making us closer and closer to death everyday that goes by that we don't see each other," Justin said, all the ladies in the house were crying at this stage and the men were on the verge of tears and Justin had three or so tears running down his face.

"Justin after that you can definitely take our daughter on tour with you," Mom said trying to calm herself down

"Thank you Claire, Rhys, Tristan and Tiffany," Justin said

"Okay I forgot to mention, since Mateenah your graduating high school on Friday, you can have a party on either Friday or Saturday," Mom said

"Thank you mom," I said getting out of my seat and hugging her

"You're welcome honey," She smiled

"I'm going to go to my room, bye guys," I said walking upstairs with Justin hot on my trails

Once we got into the room, I went to my desk and grabbed the note and walked upto Justin.

"Read this," I said to him

He took the note out of my hands and read it. After he read the note he hugged me tight and we just stood there hugging each other.

"I'm so sorry babe, don't let that douchebag get in your way, you're stronger than he is," Justin said

"Thank you so much Justin," I said

"I think we should just go to sleep," Justin said

"Ya I think that's a good idea," I said

I walked into my closet and got out of my clothes and put on my white tank top and a pair of pink shorts with light blue plam trees. I walked back into my room and laid in my bed and Justin wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck and the top of my head.

"Goodnight babe," Justin said

"Goodnight baby," I said as I slowly drifted off to sleep.


Blonde hair and Dylan drama once again! Does he ever stop?

Thanks for reading! Xx

Vote, comment etc.

Xoxo Mateenah ♡

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