Chapter 48: Honesty Is The Best Policy

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Mateenah's P.O.V ♡

I woke up the next day and climbed out of my bed and went to the bathroom and did my normal bathroom routine and then put on a white and baby blue stripped long sleeve shirt, navy blue track pants and baby blue tomys. After that I blow dried my hair and curled it and then put on a bunch of bracelets, a heart necklace, mustache earrings and my nerd glasses. I then went downstairs and grabbed an apple and also grabbed my bag and jumped inside my white BMW and drove off for an interview with Oprah. Once I arrived at a certain location, I got out of the car and walked inside the building and sat down with Oprah.

"Okay we're going live in three, two, one," The director said and started filming

"Good morning everyone and welcome to Oprah's next chapter with my special guest and probably one of the biggest superstars this generation has ever seen Mateenah Johnson, Hi Mateenah," Oprah said

"Hi," I smiled

"You do realize that this is one of the biggest interviews I've done since Justin Bieber in 2012 right?" She said

"No, its a huge honour," I said

"Do you know how many countries this is filmed in?" She said

"Not a clue," I giggled

"Over 200 countries," She said

"You've got to be kidding me," I said in pure shock

"And I want to ask you the very first question I asked Justin in that interview, are you nervous?" She asked

"No, not really," I said

"Good so now I don't have to be nervous," She said "We're now sitting in one of my favorite buildings in the world and the reason why its so quiet but like when's the last time you went anywhere without anyone asking for an autographs or someone following you?" She asked

"It's been about almost a year now," I said

"Have you adjusted to being famous?" She asked

"Um a little bit cause I mean its hard cause we have to pick some spots we're like no one can notice me cause sometimes I just want to be alone without anyone disturbing me or something like that," I said

"I've read a lot about you and what comes up a lot is you adjusting to being normal and you wanting to be normal, do you still crave being normal?" She asked

"I mean I try to be as normal as someone can be in this industry and in this position in this world," I said

"You now what's interesting? Well first of all who was you're Christmas?" She asked

"It was good cause I spent it with all my family and friends which I'm so thankful for," I said

"I've realized when I watched you in concert a few months back, you make people so happy," She said

"That's what I love about my job cause I think the most rewarding thing about this job is to see all those beautiful smiles in the crowd," I said

"Okay I love what people's magazine just said about you, they said Mateenah's lives a life that is designed to be very private, she's has never been alone much and mostly hides from paparazzi, does that explain your life?" She asked

"Kind of cause I mean I'm never really alone when I'm outside or sometimes I just don't feel like taking pictures so I somewhat kind of hide from the paparazzi," I said and giggled at the last part

"Yesterday I was trying to imagine what it was like being you and I wondered how do you find out who you really are in all of this, how do you know who you can trust?" She asked

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