Chapter One

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(In this story, Springtrap's name is Tex, and they're will be cursing, some sexual content

School had finally let out and a certain grey-eyed, greenish blonde couldn't be more happier. He absolutely hated school. And it wasn't just because of the teachers.

Tex was one of the last students to leave campus. See, he might have wanted to be over with school already, but that didn't mean he was going to be the first one out.

As Tex is about to walk out the doors, one of his teachers called him back.

"I know you aren't about to leave without serving your detention."

Tex's eyes went wide. He doesn't remember ever getting a detention that day. His dad needs him today so he made sure to behave or he was dead.

"I didn't get detention though." "Oh I know. However, your detentions have built up over time. I think you have about 10 to serve. Or more."

Tex groaned before he tried to reason with the teacher. "But Mr. Woods, I can't serve them today. I made sure I behaved well so I didn't get in trouble."

Mr. Woods seemed to be thinking about it and muttering under his breath. "Fine. You don't have to serve today but you for sure have to serve tomorrow unless you behave well, then."

Tex breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you." Tex ran off before the teacher could respond or change his mind.

He was walking through an ally, a short cut he discovered, and had lit up a cigarette. He then scolded himself on his politeness to the teacher.

"Lookie here, it's bunny boy." Tex rolled his eyes and turned around. "Oh shut it you oaf. Do you have the stuff?" "I don't know. It depends on if you have the money."

Tex raised a small bag that had cash in it. "Stole it. Now give me the tablets, Chris."

Chris smirked and then looked at the two guys on either side of him. That's when Tex noticed the small one.

"Who's he?" Chris looked at the small dude. "Oh this guy, he's the new recruit." Tex glared at Chris, then other guy.

"Seriously? You just recruited a fucking cop." Chris's went wild and then three other cops showed up.

The cops came at them and they were fighting, trying to get away. In all the commotion, Tex grabbed what he had came for and dropped the bag that had money it even though there wasn't any to begin with.

He was out of there and on to his next mission which was at a bar called 'Drunken Sex'. I know. Wierd name right. It took him thirty minutes to get there and about an hour to go inside. It wasn't open when he arrived.

Tex walked inside the building and started walking around. There wasn't many people inside seeing as the place just opened, but slowly it started to get crowded.

Tex looked around at the different people who all ranged from biker dudes to Drunken to girls who just wanna have fun and many more.

Then he noticed a particular woman at the counter and decided why not?

He walked up next to her and ordered himself a soda. Tex didn't like alcoholic drinks. He then looked at the woman from the corner of his eye to see her eyeing him up.

If he was honest, she wasn't that bad. She was fairly attractive with a dark blue dress that came down inches above her knees and hugged her curves nicely. She had dark brown hair that was curled and draped over her shoulders flawlessly and had green eyes.

Springtrap X Golden FreddyWhere stories live. Discover now