Chapter Two

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He was right. He got to his home town ,he was born in, by 6 am and it took him an hour longer to get to school. He had already filled out an application for the school a couple weeks ago so he was all set.

He arrived at school and took thirty minutes for himself to locate all his classes and just tour the school.

Ok so some kids from his old school might ask, 'Why are you on time?' In which Tex would reply 'To make teachers and everyone else have the wrong image of me.'

The bell finally rang signaling the start of first period which happened to be science, the only class Tex actually does well in. Besides math.

Tex entered the classroom and took a seat in the back of the class as everyone else filed in.

The teacher, however, was ten minutes late. He came rushing and threw his stuff on his desk before a dressing the class.

"Alright class, settle down. Sorry I was late. So much damn traffic this morning. Oh and we have a new student joining us today.....uh Tex is it?"

Tex rolled his eyes. The teacher then made a motion for him to stand up and so he did.

"Why don't you introduce yourself to the class while I get the lesson for today set up."

Tex sighed heavily and then looked at each of his classmates, although probably didn't notice. One of his classmate caught his eye, though.

"My name is Tex. I moved back here from some city I had lived in. I have two brothers. I am most definitely not social therefore I already don't like any of you and wish none of you to talk to me whether we're doing group work or not."

Tex kept his eyes as emotionless as possible but also holding a glare and his voice monotone yet menacing. Things only he could manage, then took a seat.

That was when another student entered the classroom. He had brown, medium length hair, wore a purple shirt, black pants, and purple shoes. He had this kind of insane look to his eyes and was munching on toast.

"Mister Vincent, you're late. Really late."

"Yeah so. I'm here aren't I? Besides, you just arrived yourself not too long ago, am I right?"

Some kids *the snobby ones in Tex's mind) giggled and snickered.

"Just take a seat so I can begin the lesson."

Tex rolled his eyes at the obvious trouble maker and then looked at the kid with blond hair and freckles. There wasn't so many freckles. Just enough to make him adorable.

Tex was to busy observing the blonde that he didn't notice Vincent walk up to his desk until he was right in front of it.

Tex looked at him and said, "uh... can I help you?" " Yeah. You're in my seat."

Tex pretended to look around before pointing to himself. "Me?"

Vincent glared daggers at Tex, obviously annoyed and not liking his game.

"Yes you. Now move or you'll regret it later."

Tex snorted before a devious smirk appeared on his face.

"Why must I move? You weren't here on time to sit here and there isn't assigned seating last time I checked. Besides...", his smirk got bigger, "You snooze, you loose."

Most of the kids in class laughed at Vincent which only seemed to fuel his furry. The kid that Tex had been looking at earlier had a look of pity or sorrow on his face and he didn't know why.

"Mister Vincent take a seat down some where now! You're holding up class."

The rest of the day went by fast and before he knew it, it was time to go home. He hurriedly packed his stuff and was out the door as soon as the bell rang. He hadn't even stepped out the door for one second when a hand roughly grabbed him by his collar and he was thrown in the opposite direction of where his bike was.

Tex got up in a half sitting half laying position, his hands supporting him from behind. In front of him was Vincent and a crowd was starting to gather.

Vincent smirked and said, "I told you you'd regret it later. Now it's pay back for embarrassing me in class and taking my seat."

He then laughed. "Two offenses. So that means....*smiles insanely huge* twice the force of the beating...*cocks head the side* ...right?"

Tex knew this would happen. Rumors had been flying around all day about Vincent going to kick the new kids ass.

Before he knew what happened, pain erupted in his left cheek. Vincent had kicked him in his face and it was going to leave a terrible bruising. Not that he cared. He got those all the time.

He was then pushed on his back, roughly, and Vincent stomped on his stomach. Tex was in soooooo much pain but wasn't going to give Vincent the satisfaction of seeing it so when the next kick came for his back (he was now on his side holding his stomach in pain) He quickly rolled over and Vincent to fall instead.

Tex then straddled his back and grabbed his left arm and twisted it behind his back and didn't stop even as Vincent hollered in pain.

He then got down real close to his ear and whispered in a scary, chilling voice, "Mess with me again and I'll brake every damn bone in body. I might even just tell the principal what you're really up to that cause you to be late to every class."

Vincent tried to growl at him but groaned instead and since the pain in his arm was unbearable, he said, "Fine. Just let me go."

Tex let him go and walked back to his destination. He hopped onto his motorcycle and drove off home.

He parked his bike on the street rather than in the drive way and walked up the steps and rang the door bell. He was greeted by his mother who wore a smile so bright, it practically blinded him. The love and happiness coming off her was already radiant.

"Tex, sweety, it's been too long."

His mother brought him into a bone crushing hug and he could barely breath.

"Uhhhh....m-mom....can't breath."

"Oh sorry sweety. Oh! You have to see your brothers!"

His mom grabbed his hand dragged him into the living room after closing the door.

"Boys guess who's back!"

Tex and his mom stepped into the livingroom and the two boys there stopped what they were doing. One of them had purple hair and the other had blue hair with white bangs.


Oh I'd hate to leave you guys off with a cliffhanger (no I don't) but I must stop here. I'm actually enjoying this story as I go. And if there are any errors; spelling or grammar, I am sorry about that. I tried to make sure there wasn't any. And I know I said he'd meet his brothers in this chapter I decided to make that the next one. Although if you think about it, technically je did since one of them resonded to his presence. But I'm talking too much so I'll catch you guys later. Bye my lovelies.

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