The Loss(37)

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Brenna laid back on the table, her gown pulled up over the growing bump. Around her sat her closest friends all waiting nervously to find out how the baby was doing and if he or she was healthy.

"Any final guesses?" Brenna asked everyone, her eyes meeting each person's gaze.

"I think that it will be a girl." Cristina smiled then reached her hand out to rub Brenna's stomach.

She tried her best to keep herself from rolling her eyes and swatting the Italian woman's hand away. She honestly hated that everyone felt the need to touch her stomach, it was weird and awkward, but Cristina hadn't always been around her while she was first pregnant so this was new to her and she wasn't aware of Brenna's irritation. She sighed and pushed away her feelings of annoyance then turned to Kat. The petite woman sat deep in thought for a moment before casting her vote.

"My vote is for a baby boy."

By the time that everyone has said what they thought that the gender of the baby would be the doctor had walked into the room with a nurse. Everyone had to step out of the room for a few minutes while the doctor had spoke with Brenna, but once that was over everyone filed back into the room and took their seats around her again.

"This may be a little bit cold." The nurse warned as she put some clear liquid onto Brenna's stomach.

After a while the nurse turned the monitor to face Brenna's friends so that they could see the baby. A huge grin broke across the nurses face as she turned to look at Brenna.

"Congratulations, you're having a little girl." She told her cheerfully.


The nurse gave a quick nod then flipped on the sound on the machine. Soon the room was filled with the sound of the baby's heartbeat, this wasn't the first time that Brenna had heard this wonderful sound but it was the first time for her friends. A few of them even became a little teary eyes as they listened to the sound. Devin on the other hand was full blown crying and trying her best to keep the tears at bay. Abby patted her back gently then handed her a tissue.

"Okay Miss Gray you'll have another appointment in a month, just a check up and to refill your script for the vitamins. Oh and just a little tip, fresh fruit smoothies works wonders." The middle aged nurse told her with a warm smile. Brenna nodded her head and turned to face her friends; Devin, Abby, Stacy, Cristina and Kat all smiled back at her. They all had finally calmed down from earlier and started talking about baby names and what would flow perfectly. Brenna loved that her friends were being so supportive by coming to her appointment today, but she would have liked her husband to have been there with her when she had found out the gender of their child. Paul would've come with his wife today, but lately for some unknown reason he's been in a weird mood and he was constantly disappearing off on his own. Not that Brenna minded him having some alone time but it was more often than she would have liked. Corey and the guys had tried to sit down and talk with him about what was going on, but he just got mad and stormed off. Later Craig had found Paul at the bar and they had a few drinks and when he brought Paul home Craig being Craig didn't say a single word about what had happened. Everyone was frustrated and stressed out over his weird behavior, especially Brenna. Devin had tried her best to get Paul to talk to her the other day when he had stopped by her place to see Sid. The whole time that he was there he avoided her questions like the plague and stayed close to Riley since he knew that Devin wouldn't say anything while her daughter was in the room. No one knew what to do or what to say anymore to try and help him with whatever problems he was dealing with. The girls hoped that he would come around and end up talking to Brenna so that this didn't ruin their marriage.

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