Chapter one

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Jareth was sat in his office with his best friend and personal advisor, Darius. It was time to get the daughter of the champion and he was preparing to go down to earth and convince Sarah to do it willingly.
"Are you ready, jareth? It has to be done by sunrise." Darius asked.
"Yes. Yes. Darius I know." Jareth said to him and vanished from the room appearing in the williams

Jareth's POV
I appeared in the kitchen and saw Sarah preparing food. She still hadn't acknowledged my presence.
She turned around and scream noticing me. I smirked at her.
"What are you doing here?" She asked with fear on her face. "I I beat you. You can't be here."
She stuttered
"I can go wherever I want Sarah." I said to here looking around the room.
"But why are you here and why now?"
"I am here Sarah because of the rules and in your case consequences of winning."
"What rules, what consequences. I won that should be it." She almost shouted.
"If let me finish I can tell you." She gestured for me to continue. "The daughter of the champion must marry my son." I saw her face drop and she went pale white. "If she doesn't the labyrinth will destroy itself because it needs a new king and queen. If it destroys all of the creatures in it will, including your friends." I finish.

She sits down and looks at me.
"what will happen to my daughter?" She says with tears in her eyes.
"Nothing bad. She will marry become a queen and have a good life for all eternity. You giving her all this will save thousands of lives Sarah." I say to her trying to convince her.
"But I will lose my daughter." She sobs.
"It's your choice Sarah. You can choose your daughter to stay here with a normal human life and therefore thousands of lives been lost and the labyrinth destroyed. Or you can let her become a queen and save everyone. What will it be Sarah?"
She was about to answer when a voice interrupted our conversation.
"Who is this? and why the hell is he dresses like that?" I look and see a blonde girl with blue eyes leaning in the doorway.
Sarah wiped her eyes. "Em this is jareth and jareth this is my daughter, Crystal." I smirk at the girls name.
"Okay, jareth why are you dress like you just came out of a 60s gay club?" She asked me and I frown at her words.

She was nothing like her mother in looks or the way she acted.
"Well crystal I am after all the goblin king." I say to her smirking.
"Is that supposed to be funny?" She said to me and then look at her mam. "Is this guy for real?"
"Crystal sit down. We need to talk..." Sarah hesitated before continuing. "About you future."

Crystal sighed and sat down.
"Do you remember the stories I used to read and tell you?"
"How can I forget you read them every night." She said sarcastically.
"Well it was all true. He is the goblin king, there is a labyrinth and you need to go there with him in order to save it from been destroyed."
"Do I look like an avenger? No I've got school and parties, mam." She said again sarcastically.
"No but you will look like a queen as soon as you're married." I say to her and she laughs.
"You seriously expect me to believe all of this."
She starts to shout and i make a crystal appear and force her to look in side it.
The crystal will show her, her mothers time there.
"Crystal, you need to come with me in order to save this place."
"No" she replies.
"Crystal," Sarah says to her. "I'm sorry for doing this to you. But you are going and you're going to have an amazing life." She says and I know what she is going to do.
"In case you haven't realised mam. But I already have an amazing life and I'm already a queen. So no find someone else to do it." She spits out and stand up.
"I'm sorry crystal. And I love you so much." Sarah says to her daughter crying.
"What are you going to do?!" She shouts at her mam. 
"I wish the goblins would come and take you away, right now." Sarah sobs out looking at her daughter with guilt.

The Sarah's wish comes true and crystal vanishes to the castle.
"Thank you for doing this Sarah." I say to her.
"Look after her." She says and I nod and go back to the castle.

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