Chapter 11 -- Time to Go Poster Boy

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A Russian voice seemed to whisper in Wanda's ear, telling her that the Tower was rigged to explode unless Bucky and Steve went to Central Park.

She ran to Steve's room. He jolted awake as his door slammed open.

"What is it Wanda?"

Wanda began to stutter out what she'd heard.

Steve got up, putting on a shirt and walking over to her. "Wanda. Wanda. Calm down. You're talking in Russian."  He grabbed her hands, and red twirled around them, her powers growing out of control.

She switched back to English and told him again, slower.

Steve processed the information. "We need to make sure nobody's at the White House today. What time is it?"

"Four thirty."

"We'll have to contact the president and the secret service.  We don't want anyone to get hurt." Steve sighed. "I'll go wake up the others."

"Steve, one more thing," Wanda said.


"She says it has to be just you and Bucky."

"Damn it. Get Natasha and go to the kitchen. I'll get everyone else."

Fifteen minutes later, all of the Avengers were gathered in the kitchen. Tony was on the phone, making sure that the White House would stay closed and that everyone would be evacuated.

Peter was half asleep, staring blankly at the wall. In juxtaposition, Scott was almost annoyingly awake. He wanted to come with Bucky and Steve, shrunken down, so if either of them needed help, he could get big and crush Chimera.

Sam reminded him bluntly that Chimera had the same senses as Wanda, and so she would know if Scott was there and blow up the base.

"That's another thing. We should evacuate all around the base, just in case she wins and decides to blow it up anyway," Steve said, drinking a cup of coffee.

Bucky had been studying his metal arm contemplatively, and finally spoke up. "Peter?"

Peter jumped, and looked at him. "Yeah?"

"Does that spider stuff just...come out of you?"

"No. Well, kind of. But I've got one or two extras that you could use, if you want one."

"It might be useful against Chimera, since you were able to disarm her so easily this last time. I'll give it back."

Peter popped up. "Yeah. I'll go get it now." He sprinted off.

Steve leaned over and whispered to Bucky, "You may have just made his day by even talking to him."

Tony hung up. "They aren't opening the gates. And they just sent some Secret Service officers in there to make sure nobody is in there right now."

"Good. We're also going to evacuate a few blocks around here," Sam told him. "If this base blows, it could be more destructive than September 11."

"Wanda, could you take care of that?" Steve asked.

"I think so."

"Steve, do you have a suit that isn't destroyed?" Tony asked.

"Yes. And I've got another older one for Bucky."

"You're giving Bucky an old uniform?" Scott asked.

"It's the same grade of fabric as mine, just an older design," Steve explained.

"Go get dressed. Then eat something," Sam instructed.

They went to Steve's room, where he gave Bucky the uniform.

Once they had their suits on, and Bucky had cut off the sleeve of his, they returned to the kitchen.

Peter perked up when they entered. "Mr. Barnes, I have the device."

"My name is Bucky," he said, walking over.

"Sorry, Bucky."

While Peter helped get his gadget attached to Bucky's arm, Steve went over to the cabinet and got some cereal. It was Natasha's week to shop, and she'd bought only the cereal that had one of the Avengers' faces on the box, including a special edition Lucky Charms with themed marshmallows.

He poured himself some of the Lucky Charms, and ate it. Still hungry, he had an apple, then some eggs. Bucky sat down next to him.

"What do you eat for what could be a last meal?" he asked.

"I prefer not to think that," Steve said. "I've had too many potential last meals. So did you, before you fell."

Bucky got himself some eggs. "Even after."

"Protein's always good," Natasha said, nodding to his plate while grabbing an apple.

He nodded.

Wanda and the fire department started the evacuations at nine. Steve, Bucky, James, and Tony stood on the roof, watching as fire trucks marked off the perimeter and Wanda began to evacuate them.

Tony kept obsessively checking his watch.

"Counting down for when we'll be gone?" Steve asked, watching the city.

"No. Just want to get you there on time. To make sure nobody dies. You can handle yourself."

"Bucky, did you hear that? Tony believes in us."

"Time to go, Poster Boy."

Tony lifted Steve, and James took Bucky. They landed in the back lawn at 9:59.

"Good luck, Captain America," Tony said, and the two iron suited men blasted off.

Steve turned to Bucky and put his hand on his shoulder. "I'm with you, buddy."

"Until the end of the line," Bucky finished with a half smile.

They stood side by, waiting for Chimera to show herself.

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