Chapter 18 -- Capsicle

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The day of the funeral arrived. Security guards stood at the door to make sure only invited guests could come in.

The closed casket was placed at the front. Bucky, Sam, Tony, Clint, Bruce, and James carried the flag-draped box.

Sharon spoke at the funeral. She was much less composed than at her aunt's.

Sam spoke also.

Bucky declined when Tony was organizing the service.  It was best for security reasons, as well as personal reasons.

Tony spoke last.

The flag was removed from the casket and folded. Usually, it went to the spouse, or next of kin, the Avengers as a whole was given it.

They'd elected that Bucky should accept it. So, when the time came, he stood, was handed the flag, and sat back down.

Sam put his hand on his shoulder. Bucky glanced up for a moment, and then stared at the flag for the duration of the service.

Once the service was over, the Avengers piled into cars and drove to Arlington National Cemetery, where the memorial service and dedication was to take place.

Tony made Bucky leave the flag in the car.

It was a hot day, and the men kept pulling at the collars of their suits and wiping at their hairlines. Wanda, Natasha, and Sharon used the program's provided to fan themselves.

The Avengers and agents stood at the front of the crowd.

The president spoke first. "Last Friday, we lost a very special citizen. Captain Rogers was a hero to many, outside the United States as well as on our soil."

Tony spoke next. "My father talked a lot about Steve Rogers. He would look at the headline in the newspaper, point to the picture of Steve and proclaim to all who would listen that he'd helped to make him the man that he was.

"I'd like to disagree with him. Physically, he made him the man he was. But not who he was really. After hearing all of the talk about him, I never expected to ever like him, or to enjoy his company. But he was a good friend, a heroic man, and, though it made him a bit brash, that good kind of impulsive that usually saves lives."

He talked for about five minutes, closing with, "To much of America, Steve Rogers was 'The Captain,' 'Captain America,' or 'The Man Out of Time.' But to us up front, he was Steve. Or Cap. Or Capsicle. He was our friend, and he'll always hold a place of honor in our hearts."

Wanda had her hand over her mouth throughout the service, to keep her crying from being too loud. Clint had his arm around Cooper, who was trying his best not to cry but was unsuccessful.

They all were unsuccessful.

Bucky had tied his hair up to look nicer, but ended up putting it down to hide his tear-stained cheeks.

Tony blinked constantly, looking away from the curtain covering the marble statue that would be in Steve's honor.

Natasha had her arm around Laura, who was holding Nathaniel and Lila.

Agent Poulter had the honor of delivering the speech before the memorial was unveiled.

Tony and James left to the back of the platform, where they suited up. Their job was to fly up and remove the huge tarpaulin.

The cue came, and they both grabbed corners. Their boots and free hand ignited and they flew straight up.

At the same time, there was a twenty-one gun salute.

That was the end.

Bucky was the last to leave. He stayed at the bottom of the monument, looking upon the not entirely accurate representation of Steve.

Tony almost drove off without him. Wanda sprinted back to find him.

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