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He woke up in the middle of the night, fearful at what might happen the next day; yes, the possibilities are endless, exciting even; he wondered often what would happen if he ever got the chance to start a new life in a foreign land; away from the chaos and the misfortune he had to endure over the last few years; the loss of friends, the loss of his father, losing the woman he loves; He always said if he could just get on that plane and leave it all behind, everything would fall into place. But what if....? His heart was heavy, and weary; the more he thought of leaving her behind, even though she would probably never love him again, was holding him back. In the end, it's all about the choices we make...or the choices we don't make. Part of him, had one foot inside that plane, and the other was still struggling; everything seemed so easy and logical sometimes but nothing is ever that simple; she already had a life planned with someone else and yet he still had the faintest idea of hope in his heart; a voice that often called out to him in the middle of the night telling him to hold on....maybe it was his own mind playing tricks or maybe it was indeed something else; something bigger that he refused to believe in. So many possibilities and only one truly matters; the question is, which one?

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