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Honestly not to be harsh but it didn't really effect me too bad. Sure there was shock but still I didn't even know her and therefore have no emotional connection towards her. I hear the P.A come on as I sit down at a table.

"Nina Patterson's death is a great shock. Once you've seen the grief counsellor, you're free to return home."

Being bored and having no friends are two both unpleasant things but I instead try to entertain myself by seeing what actually happened to Nina.

"Hey lookie who we have here! Is it another nerd?!"

A really fake blonde says glaring at me from across the table. Mind you but you've got to admit my glasses are almost the most cliché nerd glasses but with more brown.

"Aaand that's why women earn 75 cents to the dollar!" I reply with a look of realization on my face.

Before she can spurt anything else out of that trap hole I pick up my things and rush to a seat across the room by the window. I place my things down my things quickly and glance over to see the boy from before staring at me.

"Hi I'm Aria!" I say enthusiastically stretching my hand out to him trying to ignore my odd scuttle over here.

"Umm I'm Kieran nice to meet you." He answers uncertainly shaking my hand.

"Brandon James is dead."

The girl, who I found out to be Emma says as she gets up and leaves.

This again sparks my immediate interest as I lean closer.

"Who's Brandon James?" Kieran asks obviously curious.

Noah from English starts to explain, I get annoyed seeing as I already know all of this stuff but there was something he didn't say.

"Do you know if his brother is still here or if he has any other immediate family?" I ask, looking towards Noah.

"Well no one really knows and I've never really checked that. Sorry but you are?"

"Aria, sorry! Nice to meet you." I say remembering that I never told him.

"So are you two friends or?" Noah asks cautiously looking between Kieran and I.

"What oh no! I just met him after coming over from that table." I say quickly pointing over to the table.

"It didn't end very well with that fake blonde though..." I add laughing a bit but bring my head down as I only laugh more.
"Ahh she just glared at me!" I tell them as they all join in. I bring my head back up and look at Noah.

"So you really like that kind of stuff?" I question him while the others look on.

"What uhh... yea!" He says stuttering while basically cowering under my gaze.

"Cool I love it too!" I say while giving him a warm smile and a small laugh. With all of them both warming up to me and also relaxing I feel a sense of content and accomplishment of getting some new friends.

Well, I hope they are.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2016 ⏰

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