01. 「 blue moon」

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"If  this wasn't important, I wouldn't ask you to do it...please..."

All it took was one word. How hard could it be to say one word with only two letters? Well, it was very hard if you ask me, but if I would have said them, I probably wouldn't be in this situation right now.

"I'll be one of the judges. I have no doubt that you'll get the part..."

I glanced at the clock on the wall of the studio. The ticking of the seconds hand echoed throughout the studio along with the soft rain from outside. The lights were off, but the windows lining the wall casted just enough light for the room for visibility. My eyes moved from the clock to people siting at the table under it, and their eyes were on me. Five pairs of eyes to be exact: encouraging, judging, curious, bored, and... hungry? What??

"Okay, we're ready when you are," the middle age man with the curious eyes prompted. The thing is that I wasn't ready. How could I be? Contrary to what I thought, I nodded, and then I begin to dance. I suddenly became conscious of everything.

The block in the toe of my shoes.

My kinky hair in pulled back into its puff. I hope my hair isn't sticking out in the back.

The tights on my legs. I hope it's matches my skin.

Usually, I would watch my reflection in the mirrors that completely covered the wall in front of me. It was a habit that I could never break out of. To bad that those mirrors are behind me, and I refused to look and use the people in front of me to judge how I was doing. So, I did the next best thing. When you close your eyes, it's easier to slip into your own world. Instead of the clock and rain, I heard actual music. Instead of being watched by five pairs of eyes, I was being watched by two. Two that were filled with unconditional love.


And just like that it was over. Going back to the center of the room, I realized how hard I was breathing. Ballet was always hard to me, but it would usually take a bit more to tire me out. Nearly a year without practice would do that.

"Juno, you would be perfect for the lead."

Kiera's words were encouraging at first. They really were. She was a good friend, a great friend. However.... I wasn't exactly made for this.

"She's a bit clumsy," the man critiqued but there was a pleased look on his face.

"Her hips are too wide."

"She could work," Kiera defended. She twisted in her seat, hitting one of her crutches against the floor to make a point.

"Isn't she a little too...dark?" The old woman with the judging eyes made no attempt to hide her disdain nor did I expected her to.

"She's perfect."

Silence was heard throughout the room. A stunned silence from everyone including me. My eyes moved back to the judges' table only for my eyes to come in contact with a pair of dark brown ones. The eyes that were previous hungry now had an emotion that was hard to comprehend. His words were comforting, but that look in his eyes was...something else.

"I want her to be my partner," he said, addressing the panel in a serious tone before turning to look at me again. "I want her."

Out of confusion, I looked at Kiera, and she looked at me with an equally confused look. Isn't it crazy how your best friend getting something like a sprained foot, could change your life?

"An opportunity like this only happens once every blue moon."


N o t e

I have no clue what I'm doing TnT

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