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“Welcome to Pre-Calculus,” Mr. Gordon began, enouncing each word and putting too much emphasize on “calculus.” He began to pace up and down the front of the classroom, continuing to speak monotonously. “This is an advanced form of algebra, and a foundational mathematical discipline. You will learn about conic sections, vectors, the binomial theorem, and others in this category.”

     As he was speaking, some in the class were writing down notes while others were staring off into space, most likely reminiscing about what happened during their summer. This was all routine for the first day a school, when everyone was still drunk or hungover on summer. Some more than others.

     “Yes,” he asked, addressing someone in the back who had raised their hands. Turning around, I saw that it was Jake Ryder, my best friend. He sent me wink before asking his question.

     “I’m sorry, Mr. Gordon, but can you please repeat that?” There were laughs all around the classroom, including from me. Jake looked extremely pleased with himself but Mr. Gordon was not. He began to lecture us, the words coming out so easily and quickly, so I had to believe he had given it before.

     “I don’t care if you think that you’re oh-so-cool, Mr. Ryder, but in my class, you are under Martial law, even before you have acted out. Judging by your classmates actions just then, I have done right to do so.” Turning around, he strode up to the whiteboard, picking up a marker and writing a complicated equation on it. He faced us again, saying, “Now, who can tell me what this is?”

     Only one kid raised his hand to answer, and that was Brent James, also one of my friends. Confidently, he replied, “That, sir, are letters, dashes, and numbers.” Again, there was an uproar of laughter in the class. I swear, even Mr. Gordon smiled slightly, but it disappeared before I could think more on it.

       “No, Mr. James. It is the binomial theorem, and by the end of the month, I will have it drilled into your head so you will be capable of saying it backwards in your sleep.” The entire class was silent as they observed the equation written on the board, myself included. I had my doubts that he would be able to make us memorize the entire thing in twelve days – weekends included. It was only August 19th, and everyone was ready for it to be May again.

     “Sir,” a girl called out. She was wearing a cashmere sweater, which apparently has found its way upon the torsos of girls around the school. “That’s only ten days. Do you really think you have the ability to do that?” Mr. Gordon spun around so quickly you would never believe that he was over fifty.

     “Ms. Huckabee, I believe I do have that power, having been in college for eight years. I could have been an engineer, but I thought it would be more useful to teach today’s youth the workings of Calculus. And from what has happened in the classroom in the the past,” a quick glance to the clock, “Seven minutes, it is probably a good one.:”

     Everyone nodded, not because they followed along and understood him, but because they, like me, didn’t want another lecture, which would be our fourth one. Mr. Gordon nodded, and turned back to the whiteboard. He began to talk bout his classroom rules, during which most of the guys in the class fell asleep whilst a few girls began to talk. Still, Mr. Gordon – whom I was beginning to want to call Mr. Gorgon – did not notice, and still jabbered on in the front of the room.

     I rested my head on my desk, not wanting to fall asleep for fear I’d get busted yet still wanting to do it. Beside me, Oliver Lane was doing the same thing, but he actually fell asleep. I attempted to stay awake throughout the entire period, which I can say actually happened.

     I was one of the first out the door after the bell rang, but I lingered by the door for a few seconds, waiting for Jake. He came out and we began to walk together to our neighboring lockers.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2013 ⏰

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