Cedric Catch Up

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How you met
You met on the train to Hogwarts your 3rd year. Your friend wanted to sit with some of their other friends, and you ended up chatting with a few of them. You and Cedric just sort of clicked.

Age gap
He's older by 4 months.

When he realized he liked you
He realized he liked you when one of his friends brought it up in the middle of your 5th year. You guys had been friends since you were 13 and were a great pair. He had said something about you and his friend asked if he liked you. Of course he replied with "as a friend", but it make him see you in a whole new light.

Your house

When You Realized You Liked Him
You two were sat on the couch by the fire in the common room, legs tangled together under a faded yellow blanket, when the realization stuck. A few of your friends were there too, talking and laughing, and his laugh only reinforced the revelation. (Toward the end of your 5th year)

What kind of significant other is he 
Trustworthy, stable, safe

What side of him do you bring out
You bring out his mischievous side. He wasn't one for unexpected make out sessions in semipublic places, but once you two had become a thing, caution wasn't really necessary.

Blood Status


**I say we play a little game called
"Cedric Diggory didn't die you asshat. He's very much alive and well."
I like that game.

Harry Potter Preferences and Headcanons: Golden Trio EraWhere stories live. Discover now