Chapter 11

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I woke up with a terrible headache. I rubbed my head. When i opened my eyes, I was on a metal surface with a blanket and pillow.

"Alright you little shits!! Sleepin time's over!"

I noticed I was beside Mark and Jack, but Felix and Marzia were no where to be found. The dogs were gone too.

I noticed my weapons were gone, so I said nothing. It would be stupid to talk and get myself killed.

"The names Porter Wyatt. Call me Sir, or else you'll be one of them." He pointed to a fence that had zombie heads attached. They seemed to have the initials PW on their foreheads. What made it creepier was the fact that they were still moving. A big 'keep out' sign told me that people don't normally come near this place.

I was busy counting all the heads on the fence when I got punched in the face. A right hook into my cheek.

"Pay attention." He said. And then Mark got up and pushed him down. He started beating the absolute hell out of him, when two other guys came out of metal doors with walkers attached to to a grabby-thingy. They were heading for Mark.

I yelled for Mark to stop, and he did. Then Mark got pushed down.

Then Mark got the absolute hell bear out of him.

Porter started beating Marks eye in with the end of his gun. I then attempted to grab it while yelling stop, but that just got me hurt.

Then Jack woke up. He raised his hands in the way you'd hold a gun, but realizing that he had no weapons he dropped his arms and ran over to the two men fighting.

" CAN SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT THE FOCK IS GOING ON!!" Jack screamed. Which is never good.

Porter covered his ears and says, "hot damn you are a loud Irish son of a bitch!" He said.

"Yeah I get that a lot. Now what the hell is going on." Jack said, earning a a kick to the stomach.

"OOF!" Jack said, falling over.

"WHAT THE FOCK WAS THAT FOR?" Jack screamed even louder this time.

"You weren't listening to me, now your gonna get it!" Porter said.

After beating the hell out of Jack, then beating me when I tried to stop him, he explained everything again.

After his explanation we heard barking.

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