My Book Of Phan Oneshots

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Dans pov

"Oh my god Phil have you seen this skin fic!?" I asked to my best friend Phil. " yea, I got half way before I was nearly physically sick!" He replied which made me laugh. I decided at one am I should log of tumblr and get some rest........ Haha, who am I kidding. I woke up the next morning, still on the sofa, my laptop had ran out of battery though. " what are you doing?" Phil questioned me, " oh I fell asleep like this last night," I replied. "No, I mean your awake at 10am in the morning, that's not like you dan."
"Hmm, good point, I think the wifi is calling me," I replied. I quickly plug my computer back in and log into twitter. " I'm going out to get some more lucky charms." I hear Phil call from the door. " ok! " I shout back. I hear the door slam.

As usual I have got loads of tweets. I try to read as many as I can but I can never get through them all, probably because I'm just to lazy and my mind gets distracted by other things..... Like skyrim. But one tweet caught my eye, it was addressed to me and Phil: it read.... Hi @danisnotonfire and @amazingphil I know you can't reply to all of your tweets but what would life be like in say five years time, I don't know if "phan" is real or not but if your friends or more, I don't think I or the rest of the phandom could ever see you with a wife, not living in the same house, not making regular videos together because you have a family to look after. Phil is 27 now, what will life be like for you In 5 years, wh...... I slammed down the laptop lid and stared into deep space for a moment, she's right, phan isn't real... But I can't imagine life without Phil.

Phil's POV

I walk In through the door, just back from the shops when I see dan in the corner, rocking back and forth. I left him there, knowing its best to leave dan alone when he's having an existential crisis. I put the cereal box at the back of the cupboard and walk in to my room. I say hi to dan but no reply, I just casually step over him and walk into my room closing the door because I knew dan would distract me if I left the door open.

I open up my laptop covered in millions of cat and pokemon stickers. I see that I have quite a lot of tweets so I get reading. One in particular caught my eye: it read.... Hi @danisnotonfire and @amazingphil I know you can't reply to all of your tweets but......... Phil is 27 now, what will life be like for you in 5 years, what will become of YouTube, the phandom, your friendship? I think I was about to have a nervous break down of my own when I heard dan get up. I hastily ran to the door and peered out. I was going to ask weather he was ok but no words came out, instead I just watched him get the lucky charms out of the cupboard. The tweet replayed in my head over and over. I looked up to see him looking at me. He had that look in his eyes, he knew what I was thinking, he had read the tweet too.

Dans POV

I decided that was enough contemplating my life for one day, besides I remembered seeing Phil putting lucky charms the cupboard. As I stumbled over to the kitchen, all I could think about was the tweet, a tear rolled down my cheek every time I though or the fact that me and Phil will have to go are separate ways one day, it wasn't really the fact that I'll leave Phil but more that fact that are YouTube will stop and I'll have to get a job..... NOOOO! I poured out the cereal and spun around ready to play some halo, but I saw Phil at the door instead. He suddenly looked up from the floor straight at me, but he had that look in his eyes, I know he had read the tweet to, his fist clenched around the door frame and he ran back into his room. Well so much for halo, I guess I'll just sit on the floor for another 2 hours.

Phil's POV

I didn't need anyone else, I didn't need a wife, a girlfriend, I had dan to make me happy, I didn't love him, not in that way anyway, to be honest that's a bit creepy but I wasn't going to not talk to him for the rest of the day, besides we have the radio show to do tonight. I walk outside my room quietly, trying not to make a sound. I see dan on the sofa with a controller in his hand playing halo. "Dan" I whispered loudly, he took his head set off and smiled at me. " you've read the tweet haven't you? " he said. I nodded and put my hands over my eyes as I stared to feel hot tears run down my face. I looked up to see dan coming over to hug me. He had tears to.

Dans POV:

Oh crap he wants to talk about the tweet. I mean yea we have the radio show tonight but I almost pulled a 360 no scope on that guy! I turned around and smiled but then realised how serious this was as Phil started to cry. I walked over to give him a hug. I've never seen Phil cry before, but it got me crying too. We walked over too the sofa and sat down. "Dan I'm sorry, I don't want a wife! Or a girlfriend because I have you and it will drag us apart and I never want that to happen! I don't know what I would do with out you! I was never the popular guy, your the only friend who understands me!" Phil shouted before dive bombing into my llama space shirt. I put my arms around him, he seemed so I fragile, I felt like I needed to protect him. A muffled voice came from Phil "I love you dan, as a friend."

"Phil," I said ," do you know what a soul mate is?" Phil got up and looked at me. "No," he replied ."Well," I started "it's like a umm... I best friend but more. The one person in the world who knows you better then anyone else, it's someone who makes you a better person, They make you a better person because they inspire you. A soulmate is someone who you carry with you, forever. It's the one person who knew you and accepted you and, believed in you before anyone else did or when no one else would. And no matter what happens you'll always love them and...... Nothing can ever change that."

We sat there for a while like that, just looking at each other until the sun peaked through the crack in the window. "Dan," Phil said softly. " yea," I replied ........ "Your glittering " Phil said with a smirk.

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