Sleep well My Love

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Phil writes a suicide letter to Dan and then takes the poison tablets. However, Dan had swapped the poison tablets for sleeping tablets after finiding them under Phil's pillow.

2 Weeks earlier

"Phil!" Dan called from his browsing position in the lounge. "Have you seen my phone?" He called again, still too focused on tumblr to take his eyes off the laptop screen.

"Um," Phil called back from the kitchen where he was currently making some sandiwches for himself and Dan for lunch. "I think I saw it in my room this morning."

Dan groaned as he got up from his comfy seat but shouted a small thanks to his flatmate. He trudged to Phil's room ad lazily pushed open the door. He surveyed the room quickly but his phone wasn't in any obvious spots.

Dan moved a fewe books on the cabitnet and looked bhind the curtains but still no phone in sight. He checked in Phils bedside draws but nothing but underwear and miss matched socks in there. He flopped down on the bed to think where his phone may be.

As he did so he heard a crash of something falling to the floor near his feet. He looked down to see a small, green, glass bottle. He picked it up carefully and turned it over to look at what was writted on the side.

warning: poisonous, do NOT swallow.

"What?" Dan mumbled quietly to himself. "Why would Phil-" Suddenly, Dan started to think of all the reasons why Phil would have poison in his room. Bad thoughts came to mind. no! Dan thought to himself. Phil wouldnt do that dont be silly Dan. Dan passed it off as him over reacting. Phil probably has a logical reason to have that in his room, it's probably Phil just being Phil.

But as Dan continued to look for his phone, thoughts and conspiracies about the bottle flooded his mind.

He couldnt take it any more. He quickly picked the bottle up again and headed to the bathroom. He empited the contence of the bottle into a bowl of boiling water and dissovled all the tablets. He replaced them with some harmless sleeping pils he found in the back of the medicne cabinet.

"Dan! Your sandwich is ready!" Dan heard Phil call from the kitchen.

"Uh..." Dan stuttered. "I'll be a minute, just on the toilet." He said and he quickly chucked the infected water out the window and put everything back in place. He quietly put the bottle back on the floor of Phil's room where he found it and headed to the kitchen to join Phil for lunch.

"Did you find your phone?" Phil asked as Dan sat down.

"Nah," Dan replied as casual as possible. "I'll take another look tonight." He said before biting down into his sandwich.

2 weeks later....

Dear Dan,

I'm sorry it has to be this way,

Since the Day I moved in with you I knew it was a mistake. I have been in love with you for the past five years and it's killing me a little more everyday seeing you go by your daily life as normal, flirting with girls and accationally other boys. I wish it didnt have to come to this but i'd rather die with you still my friend than you freaked out by knowing mmy true feeling for you.

Daniel James Howell, I love you with all my heart

always have, always will.


Phil let a few tears roll down his face as he placed the letter on his bed and took out the 'toxic' pills from under his bed. He poured five into his mouth. He lay down on the bed and closed his eye. He felt droopier and droopier as he drifted away. wait. He thought as he was in the verge of being knocked out. Those werent poison pills. But by then, it was too late. He had already fallen asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2014 ⏰

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