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Hey yall, so this is a new story, but just a short one. I don't know exactly how long it will be yet, but shorter than ten parts I reckon... I started writing it before Three Years, Five Months and Eleven Days and before I even had Wattpad, but I just sort of dropped it. I never finished it, but will attempt to in the next couple of weeks while rewriting what I've already written. So here's the prologue, tell me what you think :D


     Lea looked down again for the millionth time. It really was a big drop. Maybe she should have started with something a little smaller, but she had got a bit carried away with the idea of it all. She knew all this worrying was for nothing: she would be fine. He had told her so, and He never lied about Abilities. His exact words had been ‘Your new Ability is to jump. You will be able to jump from any height or distance and land without a scratch.’

      ‘Any height?’ she had asked just to make sure. He nodded, staring deep into her eyes.

     ‘Th-thank you,’ she had muttered, unnerved by the staring as usual. ‘What did I do to deserve this one?’

     ‘The usual,’ He replied. ‘You were good.’

     So she had no reason to be worried, but when standing at the top of the building, actually jumping off seemed a lot harder than it had in her mind.

     You can do this, she told herself. You’ll be fine, He told you so. It wasn’t like she had a choice; if He found out that she hadn’t tested out her new Ability, He would take that as her being ungrateful. He hated that. Nothing was a worse offence than not being grateful for all He did for them. She’d never heard of anyone having this Ability either, so it must have been rare, meaning she could even be taken for not trying it out.

     She resisted the urge to shiver at the thought of being taken. You have to do it, she thought. She closed her eyes and imagined stepping out. It won’t be that bad. She willed her legs to do it, but they just didn’t want to obey.

     Then, before she had a chance to even think, she did it. Just like that, one step out, and she was gone. Her stomach sunk as she rushed through the air towards the ground, her hair whipped around her face, hurting her. She realised she had her eyes closed, and peeled them open slowly. It didn’t look like the ground was getting any closer, but she definitely felt like she was falling. Her eyes hurt from the air flying past her, so she closed them again.

     I wish this feeling would stop, she thought, and then it did.  One second she had been miles above the ground, and then with a jolt she felt solid ground beneath her feet. She opened her eyes again and took a moment to look around her. She was standing on the street with the building she had just jumped off right behind her. She turned her face to look at the point where she had been standing seconds before and the sun beat down on her face, blinding her for a second.

     She gave a sigh of relief at the fact that she’d done it. One more thing off her mind and one less reason for her potentially being taken. I have a task to complete, she told herself, and stalked off into the darkness. 

AbilitiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora