Meet me, and meeting him.

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•Hayden's P.O.V•

Hi, my name is Hayden Paine.(that's pronounced payn) I liked to be called Hay even though I have no friends to do so. Anyways, I live in California and love Cameron Dallas <3.
I'm 15 years of age but have a dirty ass mind for a 15 year old. (in the story lets just say Cam is 16 ok)

School is not the best though. Bully's are the worst and just make everything miserable. Bcs of the way i look or bcs I'm fat. I mean I don't blame them. Most of them are right. Others know nothing about the past year.

Internet is where I enjoy most of my life. Staring at a screen starving. Bcs I'm fat. Obviously.

But u know how when people say that they love there parents and they are always there for u. Well mine aren't. My mom and dad were robbers. Note I say WERE. I didn't know. They said they worked late. The only money we had was from other family's and banks I thought my parents got the money and thought they Earned it bcs I thought they worked all day.

Once they where robbing and my mom got shot on accident by my dad and my dad was put in jail for 14 years for murder and for robbing. That was a year ago. Now I live alone, sorta. I stay home alone most of the time while my aunt pays the tax and stuff. She is rich bcs she never owned a house just used her money to travel. She also gambles.

Anyways I love Cameron Dallas. He's hot, funny, sweet and just everything. But I don't just starve myself while watching his videos. I cut as well. I have for years. I've watched videos of people meeting cam. It makes me jealous. I hate it. I also cut bcs I was always home alone and bullied at school and have no friends. Now bcs my parents are dead it makes me do it more. And once I cut it makes me feel like shit, so I cut myself again, then I feel like shit again, so I cut. And it's just a never ending cycle.

Anyways. I was going to Walmart to pick up a few things like a new charger, mouth wash, and my depression pills.

As I walked I was on Cams snapchat story. He was at a store. It looked like my Walmart. Wait, doesn't cam live In Cali? OMFG!!!!! He then said, " come to the California Walmart in ________ California ( idk where any walmarts are in Cali soooo...)

I ran like I was about to get shot or something. I reached Walmart and there was already a crowd of people.
There goes my chance...);

I got my stuff after a good 45 mins bcs I just looked around for fun and then left. I went to walk out and cam was sitting on a bench in front of the store. Holy fucking shit.

I don't even care a dropped my bags and ran and hugged him and sat on his lap. I started to cry so fucking hard. Was this really happening?

(A/N) I know this is long but what do y'all think will happen next? What will Cam think of her? Will he see her cuts? Will he tease her? Will he be nice? What do y'all think? Next chapter will be coming- word count 576

•Walmart love•     ~A DIRTY Cameron Dallas fan fiction~Where stories live. Discover now