It all needs to end...

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•Hayden P.O.V•

Oh... My...god... Did I just get cameron Dallas's number without having to ask. I think I passed out there still crying with out even trying. I gave him a hug and told him I loved him once more before walking home.

I saw as he put himself in my contacts as Cam❤️,that made me smile. I texted him bcs well I'm always alone and need someone to talk to. Not that I'm desperate or anything, I just honestly need to tell someone everything that was happening as only part of my family knew.

Convo between Cam and Hay.

H- hey cam not to seem all desperate or anything but can we talk bcs everything in my life is terrible and I need to talk to someone.

C- hey um I never got ur name. And it's completely fine. I would love to talk to u❤️

H- my names Hayden but u may call me Hay.

Wait hold up he sent me a heart emoji. Eh I mean I am a fan so it's not that big of a deal, BUT STILL.

I then went on Snapchat. And u know how there is always that news feed stuff. I saw something that said, "Cameron Dallas new girlfriend?" I was like WHAT?!??! So obviously I clicked it. Before even a second into the video I noticed Cams new "gf" was me. Someone must have gotten a video
Of cam and I at Walmart. Here goes my life. I check cams insta and see hate after hate after hate. Stuff in the comments on his last post like,

Who's ur new gf. Bet she's a slut.

I wouldn't date that new girl I've heard about, bcs I also heard she is a prostitute.

That new girl is ugly.

That girl I seen u with is a fat and ugly piece of worthless crap.

That girl I saw u with is rlly pretty she looks nice I hope u have a great relationship. Luv u cam😊❤️😘

That last one made me smile. But those people know nothing. I'm just a fan. But I do deserve it they're right for the most part I am fat, ugly , and a slut. But for anything I don't sell my body I'm 15 so I'm definitely not a prostitute.  But those weren't the only comments. I swear there where like 15,000,000 more hate.

I started to tear up and think that I do think I can get any guy I want or that I am a nobody, a fat worthless nobody. I hate life. I don't try but maybe I do act like I want to get attention for self harm even thought doing it is like a habit. Like biting nails. It's just hard
To explain.

I did the only thing I could do. I walked to the bathroom, opened my cabinet, grabbed my blood stained blade, exposed my not completely healed scares from five days ago, and cut. I cried not at the pain but at the thought. Memories cam back to me.

I was sitting on my couch waiting for my parents to come home. I decided to turn on the news channel bcs I was bored and some stuff on there is slight
Interesting. Right when it turned on I heard my last name. "Huh? Why did they say my last name? Maybe there's another Payne family in Cal-I-for-n-ia."
I separated syllables as my voice faded out slowly as I saw my dad hand cuffed on tv with a gun an then heard the news say, " Dominick Payne was the murderer to Michelle Payne. He clams they where robbing and he shot her trying to shoot a bank worker. Cops say they where surprised he admitted to steeling and murder, but say that it won't help getting him out of the 14 years that he'll be locked up in jail for for murder and robbery."
My jaw dropped and I cried and turned off the tv ran to the bathroom and cut deeper then ever. I was dizzy and blood was everywhere.......

End of flashback

I look down at the ground and move the little carpet and see a blood stained patch of the bathroom tile floor. " no. I can't do this, no." I dropped the blade walked to my room and cried myself to sleep not even caring what I was wearing.

(A/N) ohhh sheets!!!!whats gon happen. What u think about that story huh? Feel bad? I do a shit ton. Even though I made this chapter, but still! See what happens next chapter form cams p.o.v.😭😭😘😝
{word count- 777} lol all 7's wow..😂

•Walmart love•     ~A DIRTY Cameron Dallas fan fiction~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora