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It felt like I just had learned that everything I believed was right, were not right at all.

My father were supposed to work at the hospital, live all alone in a house that's much to big and miss his daughter everyday. I'm a fucking idiot.

The words attacked my ears and invaded my thoughts, but I didn't want to believe them. There were a small hope inside of me that told me I had heard wrong.

"Wha-what did you say?" The words came out like a whisper, laced with uncertainty.

"I said they are my family." He breathed the words out, slow and patiently, letting them attack my ears once again.

I felt foolish. The proof were right in front of me, but my brain still didn't want to believe it.

My heart were beating faster than normal, like it did when I was afraid. I could hear my own heartbeats--loud, painful and violent. It felt like my heart were about to leap out of my chest before the pain suddenly stopped.

I looked down at my chest as if I needed to make sure my heart hadn't been ripped out of my body. There were no blood, I was fine.

"Please tell me you didn't just say that?" I pleaded him with tears in my eyes.

My father sighed and ran his hand through his hair, looking uncomfortable and tired. It reminded my of my mom when she told me I was going to live with my father.

"Violetta, I know this might be hard for you but please hear me out." He called my Violetta. He never called me Violetta.

I let out a shaky, pathetic laugh. "You've had all the time in the world to tell me, but you never did. Do you know what that makes me feel?" Hurt. Angry. Betrayed. Abandoned. Worthless.

The tears were still in my eyes, threatening to make a much more visible appearance. It was a rare sight to se me cry, but when I did, someone must really have hurt me.

I've been hiding my emotions for years, even became a professional, but my walls were crumbling down. It was too much at once.

"They are the reason you barely spend time with me, aren't they? You don't need me anymore now that you have a new family." The words felt true, but dad looked horrified.

"You know that's not true. I love you so much." His brow eyes stared at me with so much intensity that I had to look away.

"You have a funny way of showing it." I wanted to believe him, but actions speaks better than words and his actions didn't show any love.

"Vilu, please just listen." He sounded a bit pathetic as he begged, but I had made up my mind. I had heard enough.

A tear managed to escape from my eye and before I knew it another year joined the first one. My vision became blurry, clouded by the tears. They were streaming down now, but for once, I didn't care. Dad deserved to see how badly he hurt me, he deserved to hurt as well. I knew he hated to see me sad and knowing that this time it was his fault; he would feel worse.

"Don't cry. Please, I only did what I thought would be the best for you." He reached out a hand and dried away the tears from my cheeks.

The woman and the kid must be wondering why we're taking so long. They could wait for an eternity for all I car. He's my dad and I can talk to him as long as I want.

"Well, it wasn't." Dad looked drained of all energy, suddenly looking older than his age. His secret had been a burden, but now that it had been revealed he just looked tired. I sighed, still feeling angry and sad, but it was time to put on my brave face. The face that everyone is used too see.

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