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Izzy's–and apparently Logan's–house were well decorated and expensive looking. I hadn't really expected anything less, judging by Izzy's car, they were loaded.

My brain had problems processing everything since Logan was revealed to be Izzy's younger brother. This information complicated things.

I had planned to mess with Logan, make him blush even though he acted as if he was tough, I knew better though. His tough words and awesome replies were his defense mechanism. When something got to him, making him feel something, he defended himself by talking back like a boss.

It wasn't necessarily a bad thing. We all have our defense mechanisms, his wasn't anything special, a lot of people respond by talking smoothly, pretending that everything were fine.

I felt a bit like an idiot for not figuring out that Logan and Izzy were siblings, the fact that they actually look alike when I studied them standing next to each other, it only made me feel even more stupid.

Now, we were situated in their living room, we had decided to watch a movie and Izzy and Logan were arguing about which movie we should watch. Izzy wanted to watch Transformers, while Logan wanted to watch The Hobbit. To be honest, I couldn't care less about the movie choice; both of them are great. My brain was busy being pissed of at the whole Logan thing. I wasn't the kind of person that believed in faith, but seriously, this was way to coincidental. What made it worse was the fact that Logan had been on my mind more often than I would like lately.

There was no way I would involve myself in their little sibling argument, right now we could watch an extremely cliché romance movie for all I cared, I just wanted to get this whole thing over with. I loved to spend time with Izzy, but Logan had caught me off guard and I was feeling very uncomfortable. The truth is that I wouldn't have agreed to come over if I knew Logan was her brother.

Logan wore this scowl on his face, while Izzy were pouting at him. I gritted my teeth in anger as I realized I didn't really care about what Izzy was doing, my gaze had travelled in their direction for one purpose and one purpose only: staring at Logan like a creep.

"Vilu? Is anyone home?" Izzy said and waved her hand in front of my face. She sounded a bit annoyed, but I knew it was more out of frustration because of Logan and not because of me.

"Nah, not really." I answered her and she smiled.

Logan didn't look very amused, but I just smirked at him, it's not like I care about what he thought of me.

It's obvious he didn't like me much, like I was a terrible human being that shouldn't have been allowed to be on this planet. He also seemed to be too innocent and gullible for his own good. The boy needed to learn how to chill and have some fun, instead of being all grumpy and serious. I've learnt that he is quite grumpy. Even his posture is tense; but that might just be because of my presence. Who knows?

Izzy sighed and shook her head. "We will watch transformers, end of discussion." She said with a strict voice and glared at Logan. He narrowed his eyes, but didn't say anything.

"I'll go get the movie, it's in my room and Vilu you can go with Logan, make some popcorn and get us something to drink. Help him carry it into the living room."

"I can do it alone." Logan rolled his eyes at Izzy, "Violetta can stay here in the living room." He was talking about me like I wasn't standing right next to him, but the worst part...he called me Violetta.

"Shut up Logan and let her help you. I'll be right back." Izzy didn't wait for him to answer before she darted out of the room. Logan let out an annoyed breath and turned to look at me, who was glaring at him with pure rage.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2014 ⏰

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