Chapter 8

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I don't know, this is as far as I could go. If I feel like the end of a chapter is near, I can't do anything about it. That's just how I made it to be, and that's how it's going to work. Enjoy, Annie xxo


            I pursed my lips, trying to hide my trepidation. He stared at me in mock affection. “Well, well, there goes the fiancé I grew to love, the one I cherished each hour of the day.” He said. He shook my hand.

            I simply nodded, not trusting my lips. I was discombobulated: should I punch him in the face or go back to the hotel and cry myself to sleep?

            As strong as someone might appear to be, they’re not even close to their exterior look. They might just be the weakest of the lot, or something. Maybe I’m the weakest of the lot, even though I don’t look the strongest.

            I delved into my satchel, muttering a few unnecessary obscenities, as I couldn’t find it. He stood there, calm and collected, confident.

            “Did you find it?” He said.

            “No, but it must be here somewhere.” I said.

            “Well, then keep searching.” He snapped, impatient.

            I gritted my teeth. “Yes, sir.”

            Just then, just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, the bell atop the door, the one attached to the doorframe, chimed and I felt the blood draining from my face.


            I turned around.

            “Why are you so white?”

            I heard a snort from behind me. “Why are you so racist?”

            “What are you doing here, cheater?”

            “Doing Georgette a favor, and asking for my ring back.”

            Max was instantly by my side. “Have you returned it?” he asked.

            I shook my head no, and continued searching.

            “Well she better return it, because right now she is still my fiancé.” I would have dropped my satchel if I didn’t have the strap hanging on my shoulders. I was instantly grateful.

            Max, jaw dropped, stared at Declan in anger. I can’t believe it! He doesn’t even deserve anger when he said he didn’t want me earlier. And yet, here he was, neither saving the day nor leading me towards my doom.

            “No way, she’s my fiancé.”

            “It’s not official- I don’t see a ring around her finger.”

            Then, I finally realized how blind I was. How the paparazzi were surrounding me, waiting for a big blowup.

            Declan’s ring was on my ring finger. He must have slid it on my finger when we shook hands.

            He must have! I didn’t remember using it, or even wanting to use it.

            A frown settles on Max’s face at the moment that he saw the ring on my finger. And then a huff, an angry huff, and he took five steps.

            Five steps later, Declan was on the ground, writhing in pain.

            “Please Max, don’t.” I found myself whispering, as my fingers latched onto his bulging biceps.

            He pulled away from me, tugged the ring off my finger, and threw it at him with a murderous spit. If only looks could kill.

            “You have a lot, a lot of explaining to do.”

            I gulped in horror.

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