Young Love

16 3 0

Alex P.O.V

As soon as we got home Elena and Pan raced up to the castle and I had to calm everyone down because they are still not used to having a human around.
I saw Venus when the doors opened and she dropped the papers in her hands as Elena and Pan ran passed her. Rose Sped up to her and helped pick everything up.

"Sorry" Rose mumbled

"Its alright, your highness" Venus smiled and Rose's eyes widened

"No need for formalities Venus" Rose waved her hand as they stood up.

"We have a guest your highnesses" Venus turned between Rose and I.

"Who is it?" I asked

"Your great grandfather" Venus nodded

I couldn't believe it, its been thousands of centuries since he's last shown himself, "Where is he?" I asked frightened for Pan

"The study your highness" Venus nodded than walked away

I sped as fast as I could to the study and knocked on the door, as much as I wanted to break it down and my great grandfather along with it.

"Come in" a deep voice said from the other side of the door

I opened it to show an old man wearing dark clothes with stern eyes staring back at me.

"Great grandfather" I bowed

"Alexander good to see you my boy, how the years have treated you well" grandfather said with a toothy grin

"Likewise, what brings you across the country?" I asked closing the door behind me

"I received word that you were in a recent war, you got married and had a child" grandfather stood up from the desk

"Thats all true" I nodded

"Well who one the war?" Grandfather asked stepping over to me

"We did great grandfather"

"Who is your bride?" He asked

"Rose Jane Inflorint"

"What of the child?"

"Beautiful girl named Elena"

"Hmm" great grandfather huffed

"Id be happy to arrange a dinner for tonight great grandfather, you can met everyone" I suggested

"I was told you were marrying a young woman named Celine?" Grandfather ignored my suggestion

"I found myself bonded to Rose by fate from Lucy great grandfather"

"Troublesome witch" grandfather muttered

There was a knock at the door, "Enter" grandfather said and Rose opened the door.

"Rose this is my great grandfather, one of the original vampires" I said introducing him to Rose

"Pleasure to met you sir" rose said to my surprise

"Likewise" my grandfather smiled, I could tell it fake. "How about a drink boy, from the cellar"

"Of course great grandfather" I nodded then gestured for the door, grandfather walked out then Rose and I.

We walked up to the kitchen and saw one of the butlers pouring three cups of blood, "Your highnesses" he bowed and placed the cups in front of us before leaving.

"This place has definitely changed in the last few centuries" grandfather huffed

"Father changed it around after you left from here" I said, swirling the blood around in my cup.

"It looks terrible" grandfather frowned, "Where is Catalina and Decebal?"

"You didn't get the letter?" I asked, great now i am in so much shit.
Mum, please come save me from grandfather!! I spoke directly into her mind.

"What letter boy?" Grandfather muttered before having a sip of his blood

"My father, died from an enemy that has been taken care of" I said looking over to Rose, it had been ages since I've thought of Michael. He was a real basted.

Grandfathers eyes widened for a moment before his stern expression returned, "Sorry for your loss"

"You too grandfather" my father was like a son to great grandfather. My fathers, dad was never around, so great grandfather took him in.

"Vlad!!" Mum said from the door

"Catalina" grandfather grinned, a real one.
They exchanged hugs and mum sat down with us.
"Its been to long, why don't you ever invite me to your balls anymore?" Grandfather smiled

"I do, your just to lazy to come" mum laughed and grandfather joined

"We'll catch up with you soon grandfather, mother" I bowed then Rose and I walked out of the kitchen, almost crashing into Elena and Pan.

"What are you too up to?" Rose smirked down at them and they looked guilty

"We were just going to get a drink" Elena mumbled

"You'll-" I started but great grandfather cut me off

"A human?!" He growled

"Vlad, clam yourself, times has changed, well are starting too." Mum held onto great grandfathers arm

I looked down at Pan who looked frightened, "Elena, Pan, this is my great grandfather, Vladimir Wolfram and great grandfather this is Princessa Elena of Romania and Sir Pan" I said

"Nice to meet you sir" Elena bowed and so did Pan

"Nice to finally met the future successors of the throne, I can die peacefully now" grandfather smiled, "If you'll excuse us" grandfather and mum walked down the stairs and out the front door.

"Your a princess?" Pan asked wide eyed

"Yeah" Elena grinned

"Thats so cool!!"

"Um, can you take Pan and I flying?" Elena gave Rose and I these adorable puppy dog eyes

Rose and I exchanged looks and nodded, "Sure" we both said

We all walked outside and I looked up to the sky to see the sun setting.

"What perfect timing" Rose smirked then lifted Elena and Pan into the air using the wind.

I lifted Rose and she laughed, "It feels different when Im not doing it" she smiled leaning into me, the rest of her body was floating upwards.
I stepped into the air and moved closer to Rose pressing my lips onto hers.
We all flew up into the sky and watched the sun set.

Elena and Pan flew were amazed by the colours in the sky while Rose and I watched both the sky and Elena and Pan.

"Do you think this is the human who will help Elena bring everyone together, like Lucy said?" I asked looking over at Rose

"I hope so" Rose mumbled, I turned back to Elena and Pan and saw their hands entwined.

"Well I think so, Look" I pointed out their hands to Rose

"They are going to be trouble when they're teenagers" was all Rose said as the night sky took over the colours of the sunset.

What I Wanted (Book2) ((COMPLETED))Where stories live. Discover now