Chapter 7 - Sunny Day Accident

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it was a nice sunny day after the night before and i was out in the garden finishing my drawing from yesterday. i was in a mood with Edmund for lying, i had no idea how i knew but i was sure that he was. Lucy was sitting next to me reading while the other three played cricket. i finish doing the details when i hear a smash. i look up Edmund had hit the ball too far and it smashed  a window we gasped and ran inside to a room with a fallen suit of armour.

"oh well done Ed" Peter looked to his brother.

"you bowelled it" he retorted back i was stifling a laugh

"what on earth is going on up there" the Macready shouts

"the Macready." Susan stated we all run out of the room and down into another we hear her footsteps.

"back, back, back" we all shuffle back and go a different way opening another door and out into a hall we try to get into several room but there locked. i was running up steps till i was pulled back down and we went up another way we tried one door it was locked before opening another this was the room with the wardrobe in it Edmund opened the door.

"come on" he looked back at it as the four of us stared.

"you have got to be kidding me" Susan shakes her head that was when we heard footstep and it was as good as place as any i ran inside moving backwards.

"ow would you stop tugging at my hair" i shouted

"I'm not tugging at your hair" Edmund replied it went like that til i plopped down in something cold i looked back.

"wow" i whispered standing up and walking in the snow

"impossible" Susan muttered

"don't worry I'm sure it's just your imagination" Lucy back away saying some sot of the same sentence that was used against her.

"i don't suppose saying sorry would quite cover it" Peter asked looking at his sister.

"no it wouldn't....but that might" she finished throwing a snowball at his head. i laughed and collected some snow having a fight.

"ow. stop it" Edmund complained we looked at him he'd been found out.

"you Little liar." Peter called

"you didn't believe her either" he retorted.

"apologise to Lucy" he ordered but Edmund said nothing.

"Say you're sorry." he took a step.

"alright....I'm sorry." he finally said looking back at his sister.

"it's alright some little children just don't know when to stop pretending." she mimicked i laughed and hugged her.

"shouldn't we get back?" Susan questioned.

"We could at least look around" Edmund suggest

"i think Lucy should decide" Peter beamed as we all looked to Lu.

"I'd like you all to meet Mr Tumnus " she chirped

"well then Mrs Tumnus it is he said walking back into the wardrobe Susan was rubbing her arm.

"but we can't go walking out in the snow dressed like this" it was getting a bit chilly.

"no...but I'm sure the professor wouldn't mind us using these." he replied bringing out coat from the wardrobe and handing one to me and Lucy.

"besides if you think about it...logically we're not even taking them out of the wardrobe" he handed Susan her then one to Edmund.

"but that's a girls coat" he protested but i didn't matter to Peter.

"i know" he stated i fixed all my buttons up and we went of hiking to Mr Tumnus' house.

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