Chapter 22 - Good News

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everyone celebrated our engagement when it was announced the next day and wedding preparation began. we continued as usual until the joyas news came of King Lune of Archenland had two sons Cor and Corin.

"but who will stay someone has to look after the Kingdom." Lucy questioned

"i will" Ed offered.

"you do know that i will be going with them if you stay here i stay with the most so.." i told him his face changed

"Susan why don't you stay here" Ed smiled both of us rolled our eyes as Ed took my waist.

"very well seen as you cannot be parted from Genevieve" she smiled at me

"thanks sis" i chuckled and shook my head the next day we rode out to Anvard. we reached there the next day.

"welcome to Archenland. you must be High King Peter." King Lune shook Peters hand.

"yes i am this is my sister Queen Lucy, my brother King Edmund with his fiancée Lady Genevieve our protector." he introduce me and Lu curtsied and Ed bowed.

"nice to meet you all come in" we were shown our rooms and that night there was a big feast to celebrate we saw the two princes and they were blessed.

"they are so adorable may i" i asked wanting to hold one.

"of course here is Cor" the Queen handed him over and helped him and looked down.

"i can tell he will grow up to be very handsome one day." i smiled at the monarch i looked at Edmund who was just smiling at me. i swapped princes and held Corin before giving him back to his father.

"you looked like a natural" Ed commented as we left for bed.

"thank you but don't be expecting anytime soon." i pointed

"of course not my love" he kissed me as we went to bed. the next day it was reported that Prince Cor was kidnapped, we said there was nothing we could do and sent back to Narnia. upon our return it was a month until the wedding and i was hassled by dress makers and chefs.

a week late Aslan arrived and the five of us ran to greet him.

"Aslan" we hugged him and he chuckled

"hello my children i have come to congratulate King Edmund the Just and Lady Genevieve the brave."

"thank you Aslan" we replied

"i trust wedding preparations are in order." we nodded and told him of what we planned.

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