Chapter One: The Seminar

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I woke up at 6:30 am, immediately following the loud alarm I had set the night before. Today my first class would be held early as a special guest would be speaking. None of the students in my Sports Media class knew who it was as the teacher wanted badly to keep it a secret.
I got up and headed straight for my mirror. My long curly hair sprung up from my scalp like tree roots. I touched my face, searching for any imperfections. I need to start tanning! I thought to myself. My pale complexion made my blue eyes pop and my eyelashes curled up in a perfect perky position. I hadn't eaten much the night before so I wasn't larger than usual.
I strutted over to my drawers and immediately opened my sweatpants drawer. No Chloe, we have to impress. Try a little bit to clean up nicely today. I reluctantly closed that drawer and opened one that held jeans and leggings. I pulled out some sporty LuLu Lemon leggings and slipped them on. It was a Sports Media class anyways. I then slipped on a fitted sweater and my Nike shoes and baseball cap. Without eating anything but a few vitamins I grabbed my bag and headed out.

When I arrived to my class I sat alone as I was the first one there, as usual. I pulled out my notebook and read over my recent notes thinking that the seminar might relate. I read over notes about the upcoming NBA season and hoped someone linked to basketball would come in.
After around 15 minutes of waiting Dwane Casey (coach of the Toronto Raptors) entered the room. He was followed by my teacher, Ms. Goodine who dismissed my presence. Mr. Casey looked my way and scanned me up and down.
"You play, I assume? What position?" He asked.
"Yes I do. I play centre forward. It's an honour sir," I began as he cut me off.
"Interesting. You seem like a strong athlete and female. I can tell just by looking at you. I know this sounds strange but I was going to open this up to the whole class." He hesitated, "Would you like to be the student who attends the upcoming NBA media day? I gather you would be a perfect fit!"
The expression on my face must have been priceless as he chuckled. I didn't even think anything over, I immediately nodded my head rapidly and spat out, "I would absolutely love to! I won't let you down!" He laughed again and instructed me to write down my phone number so he can later reach me with further information.

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