Chapter Two: Media Day

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The seminar was great, and I had gotten in contact with Dwane Casey so the Media Day is all set up. I'd be heading out to the Air Canada Centre (ACC) today. I was so nervous. I had to dress to impress, collect a lot of information, and talk to these Canadian celebrities! What if I looked and acted like a complete fool out there?!?!
I watched some previous media day videos so that I knew how it works and I knew what to wear. I found some cute flood jeans that consisted of a paisley design, and then I found a polo shirt and slipped a cardigan on top of that. I figured if all else fails, look preppy and like you have a decent amount of money. I grabbed my Sperry's and made my way to my car, notebook and phone in hand.
The car ride there wasn't very long but it was almost impossible to find a parking spot! I ended up parking a few blocks down and figured I would walk the rest of the way to gather my thoughts. I started walking and reached into my purse to find the lanyard with my tag on it. I wrapped it around my neck and pulled out my notebook.
Can you put into words what it's like to reach the finals, finally? I plan to say with an innocent laugh. What do you think the team needs to work on the most to succeed in this part of the series? I would ask every player these questions. I would start with the Raptors and if I had time would make my way over to the Cavaliers. I had no interest in having to deal with them as I had been cheering on the Raptors all season, and I intended to keep doing so.
When I arrived to the ACC I approached the security gates nervously. I had nothing to hide but I always get a little bit stressed out. When they let me through I immediately made my way to the washroom to collect myself.
"It's okay Chloe, just calm down. You'll be fine. Mr. Casey chose you for this. Don't let him down. If you see him here make sure to mention that you are very grateful for this opportunity."
I made my way down an elevator to the court level. I was greeted by an employee who checked my name off of a surprisingly short list of interviewers. As I stepped into the arena, it was amazing! There were seats as far as the eye could see and everything seemed extremely large. The nets seemed higher, the court seemed longer, and all of the players were larger than the average man.
     Everyone seemed nervous to be interviewing  these amazing athletes so I felt a bit better about myself. I sucked in and made my way to the court. Everyone was admiring the athleticism of these players that no one was asking questions or conversing. On the top of my list was Kyle Lowry.
     "Kyle! Could I have a few words please?" I shouted to him. He looked over and gave a laugh. Maybe this wasn't the right time? Dwane Casey headed my way and I shot him a smile. He didn't look too happy. Maybe he was stressed or focused or something.
     "Hey, Chloe. Now's not the time to be interviewing the Raptors, now's the time to go over to the other side of the court and interview some of the Cavaliers,"He began, " you don't have to if you don't want to but it would be good practice!"
     "Oh okay, I'm sorry. Thanks for the advice I'll make sure to try it out!" I smiled and he nodded back and then walked away. Oh gosh, I have no interest at all but at lest it will be good practice. I made my way over to the opposite side.

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