Chapter 1

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Blood. Red blood. Blood on walls. Blood on me. Blood.

"Someone help me!" No, no please stop yelling. "Help me! Please." Just don't listen to her.

"Princess please shut her up!" Hurry father wants you.

"You have to be quiet or Daddy will hurt me and Mam, please. It's going to be ok he's done with you, so now he will kill you tonight. It will be over for you." Stop crying stop stop.

"Please help me please please!"


"Sheele! Wake up Sheele!" I woke up shaking, scared and struggling to breathe. My eyes found my mother's face., I pulled her into a tight hug, I could feel her arms squeeze me. She let go slowly and looked me in the eyes, I woke her again she had fear and worry in her eyes. "Was it the same one from last night?" She asked wiping away tears that had rolled down my cheeks.

"No, it was the one from three nights ago. I'm sorry I woke you again, this is the fifth time in two weeks." My voice cracked from the dryness of my throat.

"You have another session with Dr. West in the morning I think you should tell her your nightmares are getting worse." My mother expressed complete her worry. She pushes hair back that had fallen from behind her ear.

"I can't, I haven't told her about this one, it's special." I can still remember all the blood, crying the whole time and even after. As many times I showed I couldn't get her blood off me, and still, I can't. "My therapist would say it is special," I added after seeing the look on my mom's face.

"Maybe it's time, it's been years."

I have to let this go, I can't let my father hold on to me through my dreams. He's had control of me for sixteen years even after he went to prison, I was still his puppet but no more, I'm going to be something new.

I'm free of fearing him and so is my mother, I don't know how she is so strong. After all the abuse and losing everyone she loves, she still stands strong waiting to fight my battles. I love her and thank her every day for keeping me together, she put my broken pieces back after I fell apart. I may still have pieces of me missing but I know she will find them, she won't stop looking because she knows if he finds a piece of me he'll glue himself to it and try to stab it into my heart.

"Do you want me to stay in here tonight?"

"No, you have work tomorrow and I don't know if I'll go back to sleep." I feel so horrible for doing this yet again to her, I hope she doesn't call off to watch me. We both looked at the clock on the bedside table, it said 1:22 AM. I looked back at her I know she is debating on leaving or staying here to keep an eye on me. "Go, I'll be fine. If it gets to much for me to handle you can watch me tomorrow night." I know there nothing stopping her from watching me anyways.

"Promise? You wouldn't just lie so I can't, will you?" I shook my head, held my hand with only my pinky finger out she repeats my movement and hugged her finger around mine. We both said. "Promise."

I just turn the TV on, maybe I can find something interesting to watch. But there's nothing


The scent of fresh coffee roaming around my room in the morning, makes me forget for a while. Until my feet hit the cold floor sending chills up my spine. I miss the carpet in the old house, no don't think about that. None of that exists, that carpet, that house, that street. They don't exist.

Once the police and everyone in town found out that my father was murdering women. My mother and I were harassed every time we walked out of the house, we had to have police escorts to go anywhere. Eventually, we gave up going outside the house at all other than going to school and to work. Later we stopped that too, we no longer could do it. During the trials, my mother begged for us to go into witness protection and the courts granted it.

So here we are witness production, new names, new lives, new state everything is new. Everything but the nightmares, stop that, I've had to tell myself every morning.

"Sheele are you coming down or am I calling in sick again?" Yeah, give her another excuse to stay home and watch you.

"No, Mama I'll be down in a minute."

I walk over to my closet and open the doors. Just stare, eventually I grabbed my 'I'm Batman shirt' and I red flannel. I picked up a pair of black jeans that were lying around. I believe these are clean but I don't really care no one knows. I check over my outfit in the mirror, I don't think I look bad. My hair could use a brush and I really shouldn't talk till I brush my teeth. I run my comb through it a few times, I still can't believe they let me dye it blue.

Even with my bright blue, I can still see beep red. I can still smell the metallic in my hair. Why didn't I pull my hair back like he said, so stupid you don't ever listen to Daddy you're so stupid. My arm throws the comb hitting the wall, my subconscious telling me to shut up.

I reach the bathroom brush my teeth and head downstairs. There's the smell of coffee again, and then bacon, eggs, and toast.

"What took you so long? I was going to come up there." My mother asks me holding a full plate and cup of coffee. "And what was that bang?"

"Nothing Mama, I was just trying to look normal." Yeah because the ex-teen serial killer can be normal sometimes.

"Eat up." She hands me the plate. I was quick to shove food into my mouth, so good if anything could get my mind off my troubles it was my mother cooking. "Did you put in your contacts?"

"Yes, I don't see why I have to wear them." I hate these things, they irritate my eyes the first two minutes. After an hour or two, my eyes dry out.

"If somehow your father got help to find you two, we don't want that person to identify you." Great my mother new boyfriend aka Mr. bodyguard. After going into witness protection we had guards watch us, in case he tried anything. My mom and David start dating.

"Oh, hi Dave," I said after swallowing the food and taking a sip of coffee.

David stood at six-one light brown hair, candy apple green eyes. My mother is five-two, with chocolate eyes, and an old scar under her left eye then goes across her nose. I think it's funny when mom kisses him, he has a foot over her. So watching her stand on her toes and him bending down to reach her, is just cute.

I've never seen her this happy her flaming red hair. I have never seen it this bright, her smile this big, her eyes light up. No, I never have seen any of this, her happiness. "Ok enough with it." I roll my eyes than watch them pull apart. Her face red, aw how cute I made her embarrassed.

David looks at me picks up his keys and pulls his jacket off the back of the chair. "Come on, you have another talk with the doctor."

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