Chapter 1: broken

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Mckenna's POV
- flashback
"you are the worst thing that ever happened to me."  "This is all your fault" she spat as she fell into oblivion.  There she laid pale and almost lifeless.
*End of flashback*
"Mckenna, wake up!" "You're going to be late again!!" Gram yelled from downstairs.
This isn't how it's supposed to be. I'm not supposed to wake up scared as shit because I remember everything...constantly. It's all so embedded in my head i cant get it out. All the screaming.the crying. the bottles breaking. And moms wrist. It's all too much to think about on a daily basis.I finally got out of bed and got ready. I wasn't feelin' it today, again. I just wore sweats and a t-shirt. When i went to go brush my teeth and my hair I noticed a really big pimple on my forehead, just what i needed to top off this AMAZING day. 
I went downstairs and and sat down with everyone else to eat breakfast. Gram always made a delightful breakfast for all of us. I took a seat next to aunt camyrn who seemed very apprehensive , everyone seemed that way this morning. Gram finally spoke up "Uhhh..ken we have something to tell you."
What is it?" I asked
"We want you straight home after school, no goofing off." She demanded. I asked why....They never really cared when i got home as long as i got here.
"What your grandmother is trying to tell you is that your mother is coming home today, and she will be staying with us." Grandpa mike interrupted
I froze.
- flash back
"Mommy wake up!" "Wake up!!!" "Wake up..." Innocent 7 year old me continuously shakes her
I picked up the phone and dialed 911, my teacher told me to do that if anything bad ever happened.
"My mommy wont wake up and she's bleeding."
*End of flash back*
I rolled my eyes, i knew she was coming home soon. I never imagined it would be this soon. "She's your mother, kid." Gram said very sympathetically
"She is not my mother." I barked back. Gram didn't hesitate to hit me with "Young lady, she gave birth to you."
"Whatever she doesn't act like it." I mumbled and tried to walk out but aunt cam held my hand, she's always been my favorite although she is Diana's sister they are absolutely nothing alike. I don't think she knew what to say but she just comforted me by holding my hand and reassuring me that everything will be okay. She let go and told me to have a good day.
That was hard to do considering the news i just got. I jogged to the bus stop and just kept jogging. I don't know where i am headed but definitely not to school.  I probably ran a mile before i stopped. I don't know where i am exactly but it feels okay.  I'm lowkey thinking long and hard on this whole situation.
My mother, Diana, got pregnant at a young age and my grandparents basically raised me. Grandma and grandpa would always tell me she just didn't know how to be a mother and even after all the mean things she said when she was "sick" she still loved me. I don't remember it all being bad. Not always at least...then she just left. I know she went to a hospital for a while then got out but she never tried to contact me. I was 7 when I last saw her, before she tried to kill herself. Aunt cam saids i saved her life...sometimes i wish I didn't. I guess that makes me a terrible person, it's been 8 years and everything is still so vivid. I'm a mistake, I mean I don't even know who my father is. Did he hate me that why he isn't here with me? Did Diana hate me because he was gone? So many questions I want to ask, yet I can't get myself to actually speak about this out loud.
A/N I'm new to this!!!! I really hope you guys like it, i know i have to improve some stuff but I'm working on it!

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