Chapter 2

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Ahsoka's POV (Short)
After we finished the plan, we headed over to the landing platform. (Don't know how they're called) I couldn't wait any longer, I want answers. How could they stay so calm when a padawan is still alive. My only friend here that is not a Jedi Knight or Master is Barris, the only one that is my age. I like her, but she's a bit to formal. I'm not, I may follow my Masters orders, but I misbehave as well. Who am I kidding, I must be the only padawan that misbehaves.

3rd POV
"Ahsoka?" Anakin snapped her out of her trance.


"Are you alright? You seem distracted."

"I'm fine Master, really," Ahsoka sighed. She looked forward, the hallway they were in was so quiet, they could here a pen drop. "I just really want to know who Master Windu's apprentice was."

Anakin and Obi-wan stared at each other. They met Windu's apprentice in person, yet that was about 2 years ago. Ahsoka has the right to know what happend to him and the rest.

"Do you want to know that badly?" Anakin didn't look at her. Ahsoka nodded with a smile. Obi-wan sighed, he didn't like talking about it.

"Mace Windu had a padawan two years ago, but him and his fellow padawan friends fell into an ambush. Count Dooku set the trap and sent Ventress to take care of them," Obi-wan stated. Ahsoka heard something like that months before she became Anakin's.

"Isn't it the, umm, the seven, uhh, the-" Ahsoka was interrupted by Obi-wan's voice.

"The Seven Padawan Massacre," Obi-wan finshed her sentence. Chills went down her spine, those words can make anyone uncomfortable. Anakin formed a small frown when he heard the sentence. Seven padawan's killed trying to protect people, did they die with honor?

They arrived at the platform, a Republic Gunship waiting to take them to Onderon. Rex was already waiting in his new clothes, that only had a chest plate for armour. He had a jetpack and goggles, he was ready.

"General Skywalker, we are ready for lift off," Captain Rex reported. Anakin nodded and they entered the ship.


"Tell me more," Ahsoka demanded. They were in space along with four other clone troopers. The only thing around them was a blue and white tunnel. "How did this 'massacre' happen?"

"Mace Windu and I got an uncalled for mission on the planet Felucia, for a weapons testing facility. We headed there right away, unfortunately, the padawan's were with us at that time and we couldn't drop them off at Coruscant. So, they came along, but at the same time we got a distress signal five miles away from the facility. We sent the padawan's to check it out with caution, thinking it may be a trap," Obi-wan recalled.

They have arrived on Onderon at last, flying over the jungle full of wild animals. Night time wasn't the best time to get there.

"This is Valkyrie 2929. We're coming up on the drop zone."

"Go, go, go, go!" The clone trooper yelled. Obi-wan, Anakin and Ahsoka quickly and swiftly jumped to the ground, Rex gently hit the floor with the help of his jetpack. For miles all they could see was trees, bushes, and small animal noises.

"And it was, huh?" Ahsoka said. Obi-wan gave a weak frown

"Sadly, yes it was."

They put on their hoods and continued walking to were Lux said they were. Ahsoka and Obi-wan Force jumped onto the trees above, trying to get a better view on where they're going.

"We spotted them sir," a man behind a large leaf said into his comm. Rex and Anakin carefully turned a corner with their guard up. Soon, a young female riding a creature stopped Anakin from moving any further.

"Stay where you are," the girls voice demanded. Another person riding the same animal came from behind the trees. "Identity yourselves."

Anakin took off his hood and gazed at her, "It's alright, we're friends."

"Jedi," she whispered.

Obi-wan jumped down to the floor, Ahsoka did the same, but she landed on a tree branch.

"I'm Commander Tano. We're here to help you take back your planet."

"My name is Steela. I'll guide you to our secret base," she offered.

It was the break of dawn and they were still walking. With Steela ahead of Ahsoka, Obi-wan, Anakin and Rex. Each step getting them a foot closer to the base. Ahsoka still wondering what was the name of Master Windu's apprentice. Forgetting to ask itched her to know, but before she was able to, they arrived to the base.

Vines were growing all over the place, looking like old ruins. Which they probably were. The man from the hologram was on a flying animal, looking down at them from the entry point. The rebels stopped what they were doing when they saw Steela and the Jedi walk onto their territory.

"Hmm. A bit rough around the edges, wouldn't you say?" Obi-wan noticed.

"That's why I brought Rex here," Anakin mentioned.

"They're not exactly what I would call shinies, sir, but I could work with them," Rex was determined. Glaring at the people throughout the base. The dark skinned man flew down from the arch and landed in front of Steela.

"General Skywalker," he recognized. The creatures around the base made noises, but not loud enough that they could still hear their words. He looked a lot like Steela.

"At your service," he bowed ever so slightly. "This is General Kenobi, Commander Tono, and Captain Rex."

"We're looking forward to taking the fight to those scrappain' droids," he made a fist with his hand.

"Yes. All in good time," Obi-wan stated. Small creatures running around the secret base made quiet noises as they spoke.

"Saw. Saw Gerrera." Saw crossed arms.

"He fashions himself as our leader, though no one elected him," Steela punched his arm. Saw smiled, ignoring what she said.

"Well, for now, we're in charge,and there is much to learn." Anakin also crossed his arms. He seemed eager to teach them how to fight. Steela and Saw gave each other a small glance of agreement.

~Don't know what to write here, but umm, yeah. Don't forget to vote and comment what you think.

/It's watching you\

Stay Sassy Like Obi-wan!

-ThatSassyPadawan =%=

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