Chapter Twenty-Four

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Grethen and I made it through the City without attracting the attention of any of the guards. My

father had worked fast in getting out wanted posters throughout the City, promising citizens a

nice size bag of dragon scales. He was trying to force me out by shutting off any places that I

would usually hold up in. It was a good plan. I knew my so called friends in this world would

be happy to trade me in to the King for the amount of scales he was offering. They were poor

citizens that had to feed their family and when it came to things like that, friends did not matter.

"In here." Grethen said ducking through the back door of a building. "We'll be safe here. The

owner is in Mayur visiting relatives."

"How do you know?" I asked once we were fully in. "Is Samr helping us?"

"Samr is always helping."

We made our way through the shop away from the back door. Grethen headed towards the front

and peered out the window. I glanced out the other side. The streets were filled with citizens as

they stood in groups watching the guards patrol up and down the streets. A couple of them held

my wanted poster in their hand as they chatted animatedly about it.

"I have to get word to Dyos. I worry that my father will capture him just in case I try to make

contact with him."

"Your father won't harm Dyos." Grethen said stepping back from the window closing the

curtain. "His father is the General and he needs to stay in his good graces. But you are right.

We need to get Dyos and head to Arwid. We won't be safe in the City for too long. I have a

feeling that your father will keep day running until he finds you."

"Won't the guards find me in Arwid?"

"Arwid is a close tight community. Even though your father is the King, he does not get much

pull around there. The citizens do not even respect their own Prince. Arwid do what they want

without asking permission. If I ask them to, they will hide us. We will be safe there."

I nodded and walked over to a stool and sat down. My thoughts were streaming with different

emotions as I tried not to break down in front of Grethen. I always joked with Dyos about the

day my father would disown me, but I never thought it would happen. I never thought that he

would grow such a hate that he would actually ban me away from Pearu. Maybe he never cared

for me at all. I was only an irritating puzzle to him that he had to find out the answers to. My

felt suddenly felt dry as I stood up. I thought I was going to suffocate.

Grethen placed a hand on my shoulder. "It is okay Aristaeus. It is okay to cry."

And I did. Tears streamed down my face as I finally broke down. Everything that had I'd

carefully locked away finally unleash and came down on me. My shoulders shook in spasms as I

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