Chapter Twenty-Five

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Since we could no longer stay at Grethen's house, the Orc offered us a place to stay with his

family. He introduced himself as Bahmel and was over one hundred years old. He was a chatty

creature, and often sparked up the conversation among us. We didn't seem to mind since our

thoughts were turned to something else anyhow. Bahmel, led us to his house that was right

behind the marketplace. His cabin was about the same size as Grethen's had been, but where

Grethen's had been plain with not a hint of life, Bahmel's was the exact opposite. A colorful red

curtain hung in the windows as colorful flowers covered the front lawn. There was a small

brown wooden fence around his house that had small shrunken skulls at the top.

"Here's home sweet home." Bahmel sang. He opened the fence door and held it open for us to

come through. Entering the yard, Bahmel walked over to his front door and opened it. The

smells of stew and something sweet wafted in the air. "Gain I'm home."

A female Orc came around the corner holding a sharp knife. We all tensed expecting trouble.

"Not to be alarmed demon bloods, she's harmless." Bahmel walked over to his wife and planted

a kiss on her cheek. "Gain, we will be having company for tonight."

"Ah, well come in, I was just preparing dinner and some tarts."

We entered into the comfortable home and looked around. The living room had more pieces

than Grethen's living room, and even a nice lit fireplace. In the corner two small size Orcs

played with some clay figures that were covered in different color paints.

"Does anybody else find this whole scene strange?" Dyos whispered to us. "It seems so,


I had to agree with Dyos on that. I'd been around mortals long enough and even stalled some

time by watching them interact and go about their daily routine. This scene in front of me was so

similar to that. It wasn't a bad thing— it was just weird to see such a thing in the world of Pearu.

"I take it you demon bloods would like to sit and have your meeting." Bahmel said.

"If you have somewhere we can converse with each other for a little while, a small room would

be fine." I said.

"We sure do, follow me."

Bahmel led us down the hall as his wife stared at us with a smile on her face. There was a room

on the left side of the hall that Bahmel led us too. Opening the door, we realized that it was the

small Orcs room. There were wooden beds on opposites sides of the room, in the middle of the

room was a small table that was covered in books, parchment, and coloring pens. Bahmel

walked over and lit a lantern to brighten up the room a bit more. He also closed the curtains to

the window so no one could happen to glance in.

"Will this do?"

"It'll be fine." I said.

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