Unexpected Call

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Day 1

The sun was shining! The birds are singing, and nothing could go wrong. Andro and I were about to go out and enjoy our day off and leave the apartment until she called. Out of everyone that could ruin their day it had to be her. I grabbed my phone and looked at it reluctantly answering it.

"Hello mother! How are you?"

Andro looked at me and shook her head indicating that my acting skills could be a little better.

"Good morning dear."

I hated it when she called me dear. It meant that I was either in trouble or she wanted something from me. Or worse. Both.

"Shay I am going get to the point because I'm very busy today. I'm having a dinner party in two weeks and your father and I would really appreciate if you and Andromeda had dates to the party. And no you and Andro cannot go as each other's dates. You two are very beautiful, single, young ladies that should go out and find someone nice and bring to the family" She said sternly but, with care. This forced me to look at Andro and roll my eyes with irritation.

"Alright, Alright. Andro and I won't go as each other's dates for you silly dinner party-"

'Shit. I shouldn't have said that out loud. Now I'm really gonna get it.' I thought to myself mentally before my mother immediately cut me off in the conversation.

"Shay! They are not silly and I am not asking a lot from you. You have two weeks to find someone to take as a date to the dinner and that's final. Don't embarrass me."

Her voice was cold and before I could say anything back the line went dead. The words "Don't embarrass me" echoed in my head.

My mother knew my cousin and I like the back of her hand. Even though Andro and I are cousins, we were also like best friends. So it was very typical to take each other to my mothers dinner party's as dates like high school students going to prom.

"Did you get all of this or do I need to re-explain" I groaned not wanting to really to face the reality of their situation.

Andro just leaned her petite body against the cream colored wall and sighed. "Auntie is really desperate for us to be with someone huh?"

I just shook my head and placed my phone in my pocket, now trying to find the right words to say. "I don't know what her issue is but we are screwed if we can't find anyone."

"Is it really that bad if we go with each other?" Andro asked now generally concerned about the situation. I nodded my head and watched her face dropped.

I wish I was lying but her as my mother and her as Andro aunt was a serious women that was not to be messed with. When she wanted something she was gonna get it. The thing about my mother was her and my father funded a lot of our bills to pay for school and our apartment. Which yes, living in a life of luxury was nice but it had it consequences as well. The only hard part was how were her and Andro suppose to find someone to date them that and also go to a dinner party to meet not only their parents but also be surrounded by a bunch of wealthy, political party guests. No pressure, right?

I pulled out my phone and started going to the App Store, typing in random words for the situation we were in like 'dating', 'romance', 'love, and for the hell of it I even typed in 'desperate'. I felt Andro staring at me and moved my gaze from the digital screen and onto her, giving her a devious smile.

"Let's makes a dating profile, shall we?"

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