"great so can i"

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• fact #71 •
- Jesse has said that as his mother performed at children's birthday parties while he was growing up, occasionally when she was busy or sick a magician named "Bruce" who would take over for her. He said that he was always so frustrated by not knowing how he had done the trick, and Bruce would say the same thing everytime...

{ keep in mind, this is quote on quote to what Jesse said : }

"And I was always so frustrated by not knowing how he did the tricks. 'Cause he would always say the same thing. I would ask him, 'how did you do that? how did you pull a rabbit out of a hat?' (which was one of his tricks) and he would always say the same thing. He would say, 'can you keep a secret?', I would say 'yes', and he would say 'great so can I.' And he would never tell me anything."

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