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a roar of a truck engine frightens kacey making her drop her doll. she cranes her neck over the patio she's playing on to see a u-haul truck and 2 cars following it into the driveway. the truck stops in front of the garage and the cars back out of the driveway to park by the bend.

a tall man steps out of the moving truck and stretches his limbs letting a yawn slip out of his lips. he trots over to the mini van parked by the mail box and opens the door. seconds later a girl with thick black hair around kacey's age jumps out at who kacey presumed to be her father. she held an american girl doll that resembled her in her hands. kacey smiled at that; she had one of her own.

the girl's father set her down and walked towards the truck again. he reached into his pocket, grabbed a key and opened the back of the u-haul. a boy walked behind him helping him lift the door up. he was a teenager; tall and handsome.

the sound of the minivan doors closing brought kacey to attention. out filed a girl in deep concentration of her phone and an older woman. "her mom, probably," kacey thought to herself.

kacey, finally realizing that a family with a girl her age had moved in (something that didn't happen often) she hopped to her feet, opened the patio door and ran to spread her news.

thud. kacey looked up from where she lay on the ground to see her sister's friend, violet glaring a hole in her head. "watch where you're going brat!" with that, violet turned on her heel and sashayed towards the stairs. "sheesh. what was in her cereal this
morning?," kacey mumbled to herself.

her mood only faltered for a bit. she was determined to find someone to share her news with. just at that moment, kacey's mother walked into the kitchen humming a tune. "mommy! guess what?" "what is it pumpkin?" "we have new neighbors! and there's a girl my age and she has long hair and she has an american girl doll and sh-" kacey's mother interrupts the rambling girl with a finger to her lips. "kacey dear, I know you're excited but you're gonna give me a headache." kacey frowns. "sorry mommy. I didn't mean to." kacey says looking at the floor. "it's alright sweetie. now how about we make some cookies for our new neighbors?" the mention of cookies puts kacey back into her happy mood and she and her mother set to work.
by the time kacey and her mother finish 2 batches of chocolate chip cookies kacey is tuckered out and is set down for a nap. while the hyperactive girl sleeps soundly, kacey's mother decides that cookies aren't enough of a good impression and looks to to her cookbook for her favorite casserole recipe: pork and beans.
End Notes: I know that this is like the shortest chapter ever but once I start writing something I tend to drag it on longer than necessary and I didn't want a super long chapter. By the way, Kacey and her family don't know that the new family that has moved in are Muslim. After all, only Kacey has seen them. And you really can't tell someone's religion by looking at them.
AN: Hiiii! This is my first ever non-Larry story I've written on Wattpad. I'm kind of excited. And if you were wondering, yes I am Muslim. This story would only be here if I hadn't read another Muslim story called Confessions of a Muslim Girl. @loveinconditionally
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