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nour and her husband, yaser settle in for the night making sure that their kids are comfortable. yet just next door laura reynolds was getting restless with her thoughts. while nour was disposing of the welcome casserole she was given, laura was watching her carefully through the kitchen window, the potatoes she was peeling soon forgotten.

the blonde mother started to feel subconscious of herself. was her cooking not good enough? did she not season it properly? did she overcook it? or worse, undercook it? "i knew that pork looked a little pink" she thought to herself angrily. before she could fret herself any longer her husband walked into the kitchen.

he walked up to her and kissed her cheek. "hey honey. how was your day?" the man dressed in slacks and a salmon button down asked. "it was fine. we met our new neighbors," laura answered weakly. "how was yours?" "new neighbors huh? remind me to stop by and say hi." "don't make them a casserole" laura thought to herself bitterly. "and it's hectic at the church. busy with commu-" laura's husband paused mid sentence noticing her long face. "something bothering you honey?" he asked. laura thought for a moment before asking: "victor, do you think I can cook?". "is that it? laura of course you can." victor told her reassuringly. laura didn't disagree. she didn't agree either. she didn't say anything at all; she just went back to peeling her potatoes. victor took that as a sign of success and went to their shared bedroom.

at dinner laura didn't speak unless she was spoken to, but still giving short-clipped answers. she just stared at her plate of chicken (stuffed with mozzarella wrapped in parma ham with a side of homemade mash) that she'd only taken a few bites from. "laura do you mind picking up kacey from ballet after work? it's been so busy at the church and i'll be there till 9." victor pleaded his wife. "mhm." she said not looking up. "are you still upset?" victor asked. "why are you sad mommy?" kacey asked with a mouthful of potatoes. "i'm not sad pumpkin, just thinking" laura told her youngest daughter.

after dinner

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2017 ⏰

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