Chapter 4

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Who likes this new cover? It was made by . And she's actually working on another one for my other story. Please check it out when you can. Any suggestions or comments are welcome.

Anyway let's start with the chapter, shall we?



I realized the thoughtlessness of my decision to walk outside into the darkness of the winter night rather quickly. 'I could've waited until morning to get milk,' Thinking angrily to myself. The street was incompetently lit by flickering and weak streetlamps that lined the street, placed few and far-between. Shadows seem to linger in the darkness, waiting for their innocent prey, to unknowingly walk into their demon like claws, ready to snatch them up.

Even at twenty-one, I am still afraid of the dark, and for good reason too. It seems that all the bad things happen in the dark.

I lived in the "under-construction" side of town, a pleasant way for the mayor to avoid saying decrepit. My apartment is barely livable, and yet nice by neighborhood standards. It always smells like alcohol and sweaty regrets on the corners where scantily clad women won't meet your eye. You always hear about people murdering and raping women. The police turn a blind-eye, having already decided that this burning house is beyond saving.

I could hear the echo of my footsteps bouncing off the walls of a prime example of an apartment building worse off than mine. The bricks on what should've been a brownstone were chipped and faded, and most of the windows in my line of sight were either broken or boarded.

I turned the corner onto the street with the mom-and-pop, open 24-7 convenience store that I usually bought my groceries from when I felt eyes on me. The hair on my neck rose to attention. Maybe I was being paranoid as I didn't hear any other footsteps but mine. Either way, I hastened my pace.

The lack of light was probably getting to me along with the lack of sleep, I tried to reason. That was definitely it.

Every so often, I would look over my shoulder to check if someone is following me. Even though I didn't see anyone, the weird feeling of being watched was still there, I could feel a pair of dark eyes on me, making my skin crawl with goosebumps, the hair on my arm standing up on edge.

A cold breeze funneled through the veins of the city, flicking my hair into my mouth and blinding me at the exact moment a figure stepped out of the shadows obscuring the building I walking in front.

His clothes were stained and ill-fitting. The way he was grinning would put the Cheshire Cat to shame, and the gleam of the streetlamp reflected in his black eyes had me frozen. He had a lot of missing teeth, and the few that remained were yellow and crooked. His beard was shaggy and long, greasy hair obscured the rest of his features except for his pale, almost translucent skin. He seemed old enough to be my grandfather. This was everything I had feared when I had stopped to consider the negatives of living by myself in the "wrong-side-of-the-tracks" part of the city. My blood was pumping so hard in my throat I was sure he could hear it.

He took a few steps towards me, without my realizing. Before I had even blinked I was trapped between him and the rough brick wall at my back. He whistled and the noise sent a sharp shiver down my spine.

"Well looky here," he said in a cross between a southern drawl and choked whisper. "Pretty girl, how're you doin'?"

The urge to scream welled in my throat, choking back any response I might have had to that sickening statement.

His hand was reaching toward my face when I pulled back, shoving my body into the wall. I felt a familiar fear rising in me. Similar to teetering on the edge of a bridge, where you could clearly see the water below you rushing past, and knowing how detrimental it would be to fall into it. I knew what was going to happen.

"P-please," I whisper, my pleading voice shaking. "I don't ha-have any money on me." It was a lie, I had a ten on me for when this was all just a simple grocery run and not an enveloping nightmare. He chuckles at my obvious fear.

"No, I don't want your money, girlie," he taunts while taking another predatory step closer.

I fought the urge to vomit. He was disgusting. He was stronger than me. I didn't want to have my innocence taken by a sick old man.

Without my noticing he had completely breached my personal space, standing less than a foot a way and leering down at me. He must have slithered closer in my ever-rising hysteria, and now there was no way I could run.

"Come on girlie, this is going to be fun," he coos as he once again lift his hand, this time settling it on the curve of my breast. His touch, even through my clothing, made me burn in fear and shame.

'Do something!' I screamed at myself. 'Don't be weak!' And yet my limbs remained still and taut with tension, arms at my sides, even as his hand slowly trailed down to my waist before pinching me hard enough to bruise.

"This is what you want. What we both want." His voice whispered in my ear, sending another shock of fear through my body

"No," I whispered, too softly that I almost couldn't hear it. "Stop." And yet even as my mind screamed in horror and fear, my body falls limp against the wall as he pushes the length of his body against me.

Tears were streaming out of my eyes, blurring my vision. I didn't want this. He can't have what is mine to give.

"Don't worry sweetie, I'll make it quick. Just stay still, it'll be over before you know it."

My vision starts to darken from the lack of oxygen, my gasping sobs were depriving me of. "Please help me," I whisper, letting my one final plea fall on the deaf ears of the night as I feel his long, boney fingers tugging on the waistband of my pants.


Editor's Note: Well... rape scenes are, um. Fun?

And now, uh... Back to Vampy Talk...

There you go folks, fourth chapter. I've never written something like that before. For this book I want there to be a lot of gore: blood, violence, the works. It's new for me. Anyway.



And Follow.

Xoxo vampirina249

Editing done by Sammiebear000

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