Greenhouse Gal

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Meghan's POV: I unlocked the door to enter my new vegetarian restaurant. I moved from New York to Australia because I had always wanted to live here since I was a little kid. I looked around the restaurant and made sure that everything was perfect. I heard the door open and the 4 girls I hired walked in. They all said hi and I opened the doors to the restaurant. A couple hours later I saw a tall guy come in with a mix of purple and blue hair. I had red and blue hair myself so it was cool seeing someone with crazy hair like me. Beside him was a tall blonde with blue eyes and a lip piercing. They were both quite attractive. The guy with coloured hair was wearing black jeans, black converse high tops and a green and white flannel. He was smoking hot.

I saved the graph I was doing on my laptop and walked behind the counter to take their order. I let Amber, the girl who was supposed to be working behind the cash register make herself a pineapple smoothie so I could talk to the guys who just walked in.

"Hey!" I said to both of the guys as they walked towards me.

"Hi!" The blonde boy said to me. He smiled and looked at the menu on a blackboard behind me. The boy with coloured hair was looking down at his phone.

"Michael stop looking at your phone and order food mate." The blonde guy said to the coloured hair guy as he nudged him in the ribs. They both looked at me and smiled.

"Do you guys have meat lovers pizza by any chance?" Michael said to me with a smirk on his face. They both had cute aussie accents that I loved.

"Haha this is a vegetarian restaurant" I said as I giggled quietly so neither of the boys would hear. I hated my laugh, it made me sound like I was around 7 years old.

"You're so dumb" The blonde boy said to Michael. They both laughed.

"Ehhh we'll have 2 orders of your mac and cheese each please. So 4 in total. Oh and also 1 Pepsi and 1 sprite." Michael said to me. They were both very skinny so I was surprised at how much they had ordered. I told them what the total would be and the blonde boy swiped his debit card through the machine on the desk. I told them where to go and they sat down and waited for Amanda to finish making their food and bring it to them. I watched them sit down at a table and they started talking really quietly. I sat back down at the table I was at and continued to work on the graph I had been doing earlier.

Every so often I could see them look at me and then talk to each other some more. I wondered if they were talking about me. They most likely heard my embarrassing laugh and they were making fun of me. I noticed that they were almost done eating. I wanted to see Michael again. Around 5 minutes later I saw the blonde boy start to walk towards me. He sat down in the chair across from me.

"Hey, so um my friend Michael over there thinks you're really cute but he's too scared to come and talk to you himself so he wanted me to come over here and talk to you first and then he'll come over in a minute. My names Luke by the way if you didn't already know." He said to me as I looked up from my computer. I was very surprised at what he had just said. I was a little confused at what he meant by "if you didn't already know". Was I supposed to know who he was?

"Oh hi, I'm Meghan." I said back as I smiled at him and then looked at Michael who was sitting at the same table where Luke had once sat. Luke motioned for Michael to come over. He sat in the seat to my left.

"Michael, this is Meghan." Luke said as he looked at Michael and then me. I smiled at Michael. We talked for a bit about when I moved and why I decided to open a vegetarian restaurant by myself. Luke and Michael were super nice. Michael was very quiet at first but he opened up quickly and became more engaged in our conversation.

"So Meghan, do you maybe wanna hang out sometime? Maybe like a date?" Michael said to me out of the blue. I was over the moon. He was nice, funny and cute. The whole package. Of course I wanted to go out with him. He was everything I always wanted.

"Yeah sure! I'd absolutely love to go out on a date with you!" I said back. My cheeks turned red and I smiled. He smiled back. We exchanged numbers and talked a little bit more.

"I'll text you soon and we can plan out everything." Michael says to me.

"Okay! Sounds great" I say back. I had been smiling since the moment they walked into my restaurant. I can't believe I'm going on a date with a guy not even 2 weeks after I moved from another continent.

"I think we have to go now Michael. Calum and Ashton are waiting for us at our house." Luke said to Michael. I looked at my watch. 4:32PM. I had been talking to them for over an hour and a half. Time flies.

"Okay, well I guess I have to go now. I'll talk to you soon." Michael said to me as he stood and winked at me. Luke and him left the restaurant 2 minutes later. I waited around 20 minutes and then I cleaned up around the restaurant, restocked the freezer, fridge and shelves and closed. I got in my new black mini cooper and drove to my apartment. I then waited to hear from Michael.

Not Good Enough- Michael CliffordDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora