I Love You

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Michaels POV: I woke up the next day in my house that I shared with Luke. I thought about the kiss last night. I think I love Meghan, I thought to myself. She's amazing. She has her own business at 21, she's smart, healthy, nice, funny and stunning. She was perfect to me.

I sat down on the couch in my living room and started to scroll through twitter. I looked through the comments on the picture of Meghan. I slightly regretted posting it. I felt bad because I knew from the boy's past girlfriends that they get a ton of hate. I didn't want that to happen to Meghan, she was too innocent. I decided to invite her over for dinner. I didn't know how to cook but I'd figure something else out I guess. I called her and she picked up pretty quick.

"Hey babe, I was wondering if you wanted to come over tonight for dinner? We could watch a movie after too!" I said to her, hoping she didn't have plans already with one of her friends.

"Sure! I'd love that! What time should I come over?" She said back. I was happy that she agreed to come over. We decided that she was going to come over at 5!

I invited Calum over and he taught me how to make some food because he was the best cook out of everyone in the band. He was practically the most mature. Now I just waited for Meghan to arrive.

Meghan's POV: After Michael and I planned out everything I scrolled through the comments on the photo Michael had posted of me. I had gained over 14k followers overnight which was crazy oh my gosh. I started to read some of the comments and I became really upset.

"Ewe what a slut, she's so ugly. She doesn't deserve him."

"She's probably just using him to get famous"

"She's so fat and I hate her. She's a bitch and a whore"

"I bet she doesn't even like him"

And the comment went on and on. I could feel tears build up in my eyes and I turned my phone off. I felt terrible about myself. I was still a virgin and I loved Michael more than anything in the world. I was looking forward to tonight.

*A couple hours later*

I arrived at Michaels house right on time. He opened the door and kissed me again as I walked inside. He invited me into the kitchen and he said he was going to make dinner.

"Meghannnnnnn, what should we have for dinner?" Michael asked me with an adorable look on his face. It made him look like he was 8 years old. I just wanted to cuddle with him for hours.

"Um, what about pasta?" I said to him with an optimistic look on my face. He nodded and smiled at me. He was just so cute and nice and I was such a lucky girl to be able to date a guy as great as him. He put water on the stove to boil and he got his laptop and we took cute photos on photo booth. He made one of the photos the header on his twitter and I got so excited, yet I was worried about the hate at the same time.

He got up from the couch and put the finished pasta on plates and brought it over to where we were sitting. He went to the bathroom and I scrolled through comments again. I started to cry, I heard Michael come out of the bathroom so I tried to stop crying but he noticed too quickly.

"Baby, what's wrong? What happened?" He asked me as he sat beside me and hugged me tightly. He looked at my phone and nodded. He knew I was crying because of the hate and all the rude ass comments I was getting.

"Meghan, look at me. I looked up and he pulled a box out of his pocket. It wasn't a ring, it was a necklace. It was stunning and I loved it so much.

"Instead of a promise ring, here's a promise necklace. You can wear it all the time and you'll remember that I'll always be with you even when I'm away and I promise I'll always be here for you no matter what. I love you." He said to me. I started to tear up too.

"I love you too Mikey." I said back as we kissed once again. He put the necklace on me and we ate our dinner that was delicious and we ended up watching a ton of Disney movies and we fell asleep on the couch. I guess in the morning my shirt had shifted a little bit and my huge scar on my stomach was poking out because Michael saw it in the morning.

"Babe what's the scar from on your stomach?" He asked me. He had a worried look on his face. I thought about lying about it, the truth hurt me a lot but I decided not to lie because loved him and I don't lie to people that I love.

"Umm well when I was younger, my real dad was abusive and he got into a huge right with my mom and he ended up injuring her really badly and he actually sliced my stomach open. I've always had the scar and I hate it so much. That's why I always wear shirts that cover it because it makes me really self-conscious." I said to him. I never really told people that too much.

"Oh my god, that sounds terrible. I'm so sorry for asking about it." Michael said. He then hugged me once again. I kept touching the necklace Michael bought me with my hands. I was going to wear it all the time and never take it off no matter what. I loved Michael more than I've loved anyone in my entire life. It was nice having someone as nice as him around all the time. 

Not Good Enough- Michael CliffordOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz