Fast Lane

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Meghan's POV: I stepped out of my car and walked into the airport. I headed towards the East Wing and waited for Avia to arrive. She had just texted me and told me that she was going to get her luggage in baggage claim. A couple of minutes later I saw the two finger print covered doors open and I saw my best friend walk through. She ran up to me and hugged me with a warm embrace. We greeted each other and she told me about the cute guy that sat next to her on the long flight here. We arrived at my apartment 1 hour later and we just sat in my living room and talked.

"Meghan, I honestly think I might move here. I love it already even though I just arrived and I've always wanted to live here as well like you." Avia said to me. The thought of my best friend moving close to me made me really happy.

"I'd love if you could move here. Have you looked for any jobs yet? Or are you waiting until a little bit later?" I said to her. She sat in silence and thought for a moment.

"I found a job actually, it's around 20 minutes from your apartment. They offered me the job, I have until tomorrow morning to accept it otherwise they're giving it to someone else." She said in response.

"Oh my gosh, please take the job! I want you to move so bad. Maybe you can find a boyfriend just like I did. All the boys in Michael's band are single except him so maybe you should try and get with one of them. It would be adorable oh my gosh." I said back excitedly. I also got a little too hyper when things got crazy but I think that happens to everyone once in a while.

We continued talking about where she would live and she decided to take the job and tell her parents that she was going to move. She bought an apartment in the same building as me and then she booked her flight for moving here.

I then got a phone call from Michael.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Hey Meghan, can I come over? I have something to tell you. It's pretty important." He said back. I started to get quite nervous and I said he could come over whenever. 20 minutes later I heard a knock on the door and let Michael inside.

"Avia, this is Michael!" I said to both of them.

"I've heard lots about you" Avia said to Michael. I blushed.

"Right back attcha" Michael said to her. Michael pulled me into my kitchen and told me to sit down at the table. He said that he was sad about what he had to tell me.

"Meghan, I'm going on tour for a year and a bit. You won't be able to come with me but I'll have breaks in the tour sometimes and I'll be home and we can do things together. I wish you could come with me but we don't have enough space and I don't wanna push you into living on a bus with 4 boys for so long time." He said to me. I looked down at the ground. I didn't want him to leave but he had to. He couldn't change the dates or the timing of the tour and neither could I so we just had to deal with it.

Avia walked into my kitchen after Michael and I talked for a bit. She told me that she was going to walk around Australia for a little bit and she would be back in time for dinner. That left Michael and I in my apartment alone. He said that he was leaving in 4 days and we didn't have much time together so we had to hang out as much as possible.

I kissed Michael slowly and passionately. He put his arms around my waist and lifted me up. He carried me into my room and layed me down on the bed. I had a feeling about what was going to happen next. I wanted it to happen but it felt wrong. I mean it was my first time.

"Miiiichaelll" I stuttered as he started to take off my pants that I was wearing. He looked up at me.

"I'm still a virgin, but I'm ready I think" I said to him truthfully. I was slightly worried about what he was going to say back.

"Babe, it's okay. I'll be careful." He said back and smiled. We took off each other's clothes slowly and he started to kiss my neck. I was still worried about what was going to happen. I just finished my period and he said he was going to use a condom so that made me feel a little bit better than before.

After kissing and making out he pushed inside of my body. I kept myself from screaming louder than I had ever before. It felt good after a while and I was happy that this was finally happening and I was glad it was happening with Michael instead of someone else. A while later Michael and I both lay on my bed breathing heavily. I could feel his body heat radiate off him and I could feel it against my arm as he was beside me. I can't believe I just lost my virginity.

Michael showered in my shower and then I did after him. We cuddled on my couch and ordered pizza for dinner and we waited for Avia to arrive back at my apartment. When she got back she told us about everything she saw while she was out and she was so happy that she had chosen to move. I was more excited than her. I would finally have a friend here besides the boys in the band and Michael. I felt like the happiest girl in the entire world.

Not Good Enough- Michael CliffordTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang