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You never didn't have a problem; it always seemed like something was wrong. You never had a logical reason why, and you certainly couldn't help that you we're like that. It irritated a lot of people - you'd lost many friends over it, some lifelong, some for a few months.

You never lost Holtzmann, though. You were quite shocked, to be honest, you always came to her first with all your issues when you needed help. She always loved hearing about them, not because she liked hearing that you were in pain, but she loved science and studying things and learning - whether it be physics (which always took the #1 spot in her huge sciency heart), biology, psychology - anything.

You were curled up on the bed, your go-to coping mechanism that you did whenever you could, when Jill came in to check on you. She gently laid down beside you and slowly ran her fingertips across your arm. You groaned and looked up at her; she greeted you with a smile. "C'mon, sit up. Tell Jillybean what's wrong." she told you and you complied, sitting up enough so you weren't just laying on the bed. "Hey now, don't be afraid to get close." she said, tapping on her lap.

You turned around and laid back with your head in her lap, you staring up at her. She started playing with your hair before she asked, "alright (y/n), what's got ya down this time?" in a calming tone. "My wisdom teeth are coming in, and I'm sad. Two different scenarios, but both bothering me.." you said while pouting and looking up at her. "Wisdom teeth? I thought you were done with those?" she asked you, confused. "No... I lied to you. They just started coming in; I thought since they took so long to come in, they just... weren't... gonna do the thing." you said apologetically.

She just laughed a little. "It's okay baby, I've got ya. I'll get you some ice to suck on - I used to do it back when mine came in. Then maybe I'll get you a Tylenol or two if you need it. We can talk about other things if you want when I come back." she said before getting up and leaving the room.

She came back with a cup of ice water and the bottle of Tylenol. She sat back beside you and you two resumed position. "Ok, now, what else is wrong?" she asked, placing her hand on your forehead. "I don't think it's really worth talking about, honestly. Its just the same bleh I put myself through every day, it seems." you said looking up into her eyes. "Alrighty then, instead of talking about it how about we do something more helpful?" she suggested.

"What do you mean by that?" you asked her, genuinely confused. "Cuddle it out." she said with a stupid, cocky smirk. You chuckled and slightly rolled your eyes. "Of course." you said in response. "What are you waiting on? Get your cute lil worried butt over here and snuggle into good ole Holtzy." she said, almost making you choke laughing.

Of course you went along with it because let's be real, who could turn down cuddling with Holtz? Why would you? You'd have to be insane. She laid back on the bed and you all-but-shyly wrapped your arms around her. She laughed a little and leaned down and kissed your forehead, then proceeded to wrap her arm around your shoulder.

"It's unhealthy to run away from your feelings, you know?" she said, looking down at you. "I'm not running. I'm cuddling them out." you said with a sly smirk. She rolled her eyes with a huge smile and said "Fair enough, I guess." You held her tighter.

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